8 Ways To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather


Faux leather is a great material for furniture, bags, and clothing. It’s easy to maintain because it doesn’t require any special care or attention.

However, it can get a little bit tricky when it comes to dealing with ink stains. Luckily there are several ways that you can use to remove pen ink stains from your faux leather without damaging the surface.

How do you remove pen ink from faux leather goods? There are several methods that you can use to remove pen ink from faux leather. Here are some common household items you can use to remove ink from your faux leather goods;

  1. Rubbing alcohol
  2. Baby Wipes
  3. Hairspray
  4. Hand Sanitizer
  5. Laundry Detergent And Baking Soda
  6. White Vinegar
  7. Salt And Baby Oil
  8. Toothpaste

Keep reading to learn the details on how to use the above-mentioned household items to remove pen ink stains from faux leather.

Pen Ink And Faux Leather

Pen ink is made up of pigments that are quite durable. Pen inks are usually made of inks that are usually water-resistant and can be difficult to remove even from faux leather materials.

What the ink does when it comes into contact with surfaces is to penetrate deep into it and form some type of bond with the material.

So in the case of porous materials like paper, wood, natural leather, and other fabrics, the ink will get absorbed into them easily and can get really difficult if not impossible to remove.

However, when it comes to faux leather, the story is a bit different because faux leather is non-porous. This means the pen ink will not get absorbed and will rather stay on the surface of the faux leather.

This generally makes it a little bit easier to remove pen ink stains from your faux leather items.

All it takes is knowing the right things to use and your faux leather item will be as good as new.

Now that we have gotten this out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the things that you can use to remove pen ink stains from faux leather.

Details On How To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

There are a lot of options for cleaning pen ink from faux leather. I’m going to share with you a variety of options that you can use.

So feel free to use any of these tried and tested methods that are most convenient and comfortable for you. Let’s begin with using rubbing alcohol to remove pen ink from faux leather.

1. Using Rubbing alcohol To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

One of the best ways to remove pen ink from faux leather is to use a little bit of rubbing alcohol.

This method does not require any special effort or tools and can be easily done at home.

All you need is some rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to remove pen ink from faux leather using rubbing alcohol.

Things Needed:

  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Soft-Bristled Toothbrush


Step 1:

  • Dampen your microfiber cloth with a generous amount of rubbing alcohol and gently dab it over the surface of the pen ink stain.
  • You want to make sure that you’re only dabbing over the stain and not rubbing.
  • This will help you to blot off as much of the ink as possible without pushing it over the surface of your faux leather furniture.

Step 2:

  • Flip over to a clean side of the microfiber cloth and dampen it again with the rubbing alcohol.
  • Gently dab the ink stain again until the stain is gone or significantly reduced.

Step 3:

  • If you still have some pen ink stains still lingering on the surface of your faux leather items, wrap the bristles of your toothbrush with the microfiber cloth, dampen it with some rubbing alcohol and scrub the rest of the ink stain.
  • At this stage, much of the ink would have been removed by the initial dabbing process so there is no need to be concerned about the ink spreading.
  • Continue scrubbing to remove the rest of the ink.

Step 4:

  • Wipe away any excess ink and rub alcohol with a clean microfiber cloth.

Step 5:

  • Put 2-3 drops of dish soap into a bowl of water and bring it to lather.

Step 6:

  • Dampen your microfiber cloth with the dish soap solution and gently rub it over the surface of your faux leather furniture.
  • Once you’re done, wash the microfiber cloth in clean water and wring it out.
  • Now, use the damp microfiber cloth to wipe off the mild dish soap residue from the surface of the faux leather and leave the surface to dry completely for about half an hour.

You can repeat the entire process if you are not satisfied with how clean it looks but make sure to wait for the surface of your faux leather item to dry out completely before you use it again. Voila!

2. Using Baby Wipes To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

Another thing you can use to remove pen ink from your faux leather items is baby wipes.

Baby wipes contain mild cleaning agents and moisturizer that will not only clean the surface of your faux leather item but also nourishes it.

This is particularly great for fresh pen ink stains as it helps to clean and remove the ink without spreading them over a larger area of your faux leather item.

So, if you have ink stains on your faux leather furniture or clothing items that are not too old yet, baby wipes can be your best option.

Things Needed:

  • Baby Wipes
  • Microfiber Cloth


Step 1:

  • Pick one or two wipes and blot the area around the ink stain with it.

Step 2:

  • Press or firmly dab the ink stain to remove the pen ink on the faux leather.
  • Continue doing that until the ink stain is completely gone.

Step 3:

  • Now, use the dry clean microfiber cloth to wipe any excess moisture from the faux leather surface to help dry the surface and also to avoid streaks.

Step 4:

  • Leave the faux leather surface to air-dry completely before using it.

3. Using Hairspray To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

If you have some hairspray in your house, this is another effective way to remove pen ink from your faux leather goods.

Hairsprays contain alcohol which will help break down the pigments of the ink and dissolve them in contact with water.

This means the hairspray will help to loosen up the ink so that it can be easily wiped off or cleaned with soap and water.

So, if you have a pen ink stain on your faux leather item and don’t want to spend too much time or materials cleaning them up then try using hairspray instead.

Things Needed:

  • Hairspray (Unscented)
  • Microfiber Cloth
  • Water (Distilled)
  • Mild Dish Soap


Step 1:

  • Spray the hairspray directly on the surface of the faux leather item where the ink stain is.
  • Do not soak it, just lightly spray it.
  • Make sure you are pointing the nozzle at a distance of about 12 inches away from the faux leather surface.

Step 2:

  • Leave it for about 15 minutes or until the ink stain starts to dissolve and absorb into the hairspray.

Step 3:

  • Now, put a few more spritz on the microfiber cloth and begin to gently dab the pen ink stain.
  • Continue spritzing the hairspray on the microfiber cloth and dabbing the ink stain until it is completely removed.

Step 4:

  • After that, put 2-3 drops of dish soap into a bowl of water and make it lather.

Step ​5:

  • Dampen your microfiber cloth or sponge with the dish soap solution
  • Now, use the damp microfiber cloth to wipe the surface of the faux leather in a circular motion to remove any remaining ink on the surface of your faux leather item.

Step 6:

  • Once you’re satisfied with the result, wash, rinse, and wring out the microfiber cloth in clean water.
  • Next, use the damp microfiber cloth to wipe the surface of the faux leather to remove any soap residue.
  • Now, dry the surface of the faux leather item using a dry clean microfiber cloth. Doing this will help prevent watermarks and streaks on your faux leather item.

Step 7:

  • Leave your faux leather item to air-dry.
  • And there you have it!
  • You now know how to remove pen ink from your faux leather items easily and effectively.

4. Hand Sanitizer To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

If you’re in a pinch and don’t have any baby wipes, hairspray, or distilled water on hand, you can use hand sanitizer to remove pen ink from your faux leather items. At least most people have one of those now.

Hand sanitizers contain alcohol which will help break down the pigments of the ink and make it easier to clean.

Below is how you can use hand sanitizer to clean pen ink from your faux leather items.

Things Needed:

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Microfiber Cloth


Step 1: 

  • Dowse your microfiber cloth with two or three spritzes of hand sanitizer.

Step ​2:

  • Dab the microfiber cloth on the pen ink stain to start loosening it up.
  • Keep doing this until you see that all of the inks have been broken down and have been absorbed into the microfiber cloth.

Step ​3​​:

  • Remove any excess hand sanitizer with a dry clean cloth.

Step ​4: (Optional)

  • Depending on how your faux leather item’s surface looks, you can use a mild dish solution to wipe the surface of the leather to remove any remaining ink or residue.
  • Wipe off any soap residue with a damp clean cloth and let the faux leather air-dry. Done! You did it.

5. Using Laundry Detergent To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

A laundry detergent is an abrasive approach that will not fail when it comes to removing pen ink from faux leather items.

It contains a combination of chemicals and enzymes that will help lift the pigments out of your faux leather item’s surface.

The trick to using the laundry detergent is that you need to let it sit and do its job for a few minutes before actually washing it off.

Things Needed:

  • Laundry Detergent (enzyme-based laundry)
  • Water
  • Microfiber Cloth
  • Baking soda


Step 1:

  • Dampen your microfiber cloth with the laundry detergent and rub it on the ink stain in a circular pattern.
  • Repeat until the pen ink stain lightens.
  • You can sprinkle some baking soda over the stained faux leather surface before rubbing it for a more abrasion effect.

Step 2:

  • Rinse the microfiber cloth in clean water and then wipe it over the surface of your faux leather item.

Step ​3:

  • After that, you can wash the laundry detergent from the microfiber cloth and wring it out.
  • Use the damp microfiber cloth you just washed and use it to wipe any soap residue from the surface of your faux leather item.

Step ​4:

  • Let it air-dry and voila! You did it!

6. Using White Vinegar To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

White vinegar is a mildly acidic solution that can help remove ink from faux leather items. It contains acetic acid that will help break down the pigments of your ink.

The best part is white vinegar is a very common household item so you don’t have to worry about not being able to find it.

Things Needed:

  • White Vinegar (distilled)
  • Mild dish soap
  • Water
  • Cotton ball or cotton pad
  • Microfiber Cloth (for drying)


Step 1:

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water.
  • Dampen a cotton ball or pad with white vinegar and wipe it on the ink stain.

Step ​2​:

  • Repeat this process until the ink stain has lightened.

Step ​3:

  • If there are any stubborn stains that won’t come out after you have tried the above step, gently rub a mild dish soap on the cotton ball to create a soapy solution.

Step 4​:

  • Rub the soapy solution onto the ink stain.

Step 5:

  • Take a clean microfiber cloth and wring it out with clean water.
  • Use this cloth to wipe the ink stain and any soap residue.

Step ​​​6:

  • Let it air-dry and you did it!

7. Using Toothpaste To Remove Pen Ink From Faux Leather

If there is one household item you can always turn to when it comes to removing stains, it’s toothpaste.

Toothpaste is a mildly abrasive paste that contains ingredients such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and other chemicals.

The mildly abrasive nature of toothpaste will help lift the pigments out of your faux leather item.

Things Needed:

  • Toothpaste (any kind)
  • Toothbrush
  • Water
  • Microfiber Cloth


Step 1​:

Step 2:

  • Let it sit for a few minutes and then use a dampened microfiber cloth to wipe the toothpaste from your faux leather item’s surface.
  • You can use your toothbrush to scrub the faux leather if there is still some stains that won’t come out.

Step 3​:

  • Wipe away the toothpaste with a clean, damp microfiber cloth and let it air dry.
  • You did it! You’re done with removing your pen ink stain on faux leather.

8. Using Salt And Oil Removing Pen Ink From Faux Leather

Salt is a household item that can be used to remove ink stains from faux leather. It contains sodium chloride which can also break down the pigments of your ink.

The oil will help lift the stain off your faux leather item’s surface when you rub it in. Follow the steps below to remove your pen ink stain using this method.

Things Needed:

  • Salt (any type)
  • Baby oil (unscented, mild variety is best) or Butter


Step 1:

  • Make a paste consisting of table salt and baby oil or butter.
  • Make sure it’s a pasty consistency and not too runny.

Step ​2:

  • Apply a liberal amount of the paste on the pen ink stain and let it sit overnight.

Step 3:

  • Wash off the paste with a damp cloth.
  • You can repeat the process until you get the desired results.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, there are different ways on how to remove pen ink stains from faux leather items. Look through all the methods mentioned above to see which one works best for you.

Make sure to first test the method on a small inconspicuous area of the faux leather surface to ensure that it will not damage your item.

These methods will work on any faux leather item like purses, shoes, jackets, and so much more.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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