10 Easy Ways To Keep Patent Leather Shiny (Must Know!)

how To Keep Patent Leather Shiny

Patent leather shoes are a luxurious item that can add an elegant touch to any outfit. However, keeping them looking shiny and new can be a challenge. In this article, I’m going to share with you 10 easy ways to keep your patent leather items shiny.

1. Buffing Regularly With a Patent Leather Polishing Cloth

One of the basic ways to keep your patent leather items shiny is by buffing them regularly with a patent leather polishing cloth. These materials are chamois cloths and are available at most shoe stores.

Also, these polishing cloths are lint-free, have the ability to be easily wrung out, and can easily pick out tiny little specks and lint from the surface of your patent leather item.

All you need to do is simply put your patent leather item on a flat, stable surface and use circular motions to buff the surface with the polishing or chamois cloth.

Be sure not to apply too much pressure when buffing, as this can damage the surface of your patent leather. Also, make sure the polishing cloth is clean without any excess dirt or grime residue from the previous cleaning session.

The polishing cloth gets rid of all the little specks and lints that accumulate on your patent leather, which is why it’s important to use them regularly, even if you don’t notice any buildup yet.

Doing this once or twice every week will help to keep your patent leather items such as bags or shoes looking shiny and new.

2. Cleaning It Regularly

There are instances where you will not be able to use a chamois to remove the build-up on your patent leather items. In such instances, you will need to use a cleaner.

There are several cleaners available on the market that can be used for this purpose. One of the most popular cleaning products for patent leather goods is Saphir Varnish Rife Liquid.

Not only are these products available but they are also very easy to use. In most cases, all you will have to do is spray them onto your polishing cloth and then buff it onto your patent leather item.

However, if there are visible scuff marks or stains on your patent leather item, that cannot be removed with a polishing cloth or chamois, you will need to use a cleaner that contains alcohol and apply it using the following steps:

  • Soak up some of the cleaning solution onto a clean cotton swab.
  • Dab this gently onto the affected part of your patent leather item. Do not rub it as this can cause long-term damage to your patent leather.
  • Use a clean part of the cotton swab and dab at the same spot again, but with less pressure this time. Do not rub.
  • Spray some more cleaner onto another cotton swab or cloth, then use it to buff off any excess dirt or grime that might be on the surface of your patent leather.
  • If the scuff marks or stains are still visible after doing this, then you might need to repeat the process again until they disappear.

Make sure to do a test patch on an inconspicuous area of your patent leather item before using any cleaner, as some can cause discoloration or damage to the surface of your patent leather.

You should also clean your patent leather item regularly, even if there are no visible scuff marks or stains on it yet. This will ensure that you can easily get rid of any dirt or grime buildup before they accumulate further and become more difficult to remove.

3. Storing Them Properly

Another important way to keep your patent leather items shiny and new is by storing them properly. This means keeping them away from direct sunlight, moisture, and heat.

Patent leather is a type of leather that is very sensitive to the elements and can easily be damaged if not stored in the right conditions.

Store your patent leather items in a dark, dry place where they will not be exposed to direct sunlight. This is because exposure to direct sunlight can cause patent leather items such as bags and shoes, to crack or discolor easily.

Also, make sure that your patent leather items dry properly after cleaning them. Even before that, make sure to thoroughly rinse all cleaning residue from the patent leather surface before putting them in storage.

One of the most effective ways to store your patent leather items is by keeping it in the original boxes they came in when you bought them.

By storing your patent leather items properly, they will remain pristine and will maintain their shininess for a long time.

4. Using a Shoe Polish

If you have a pair of patent leather shoes that are starting to look dull, you can use shoe polish to restore their shine.

There are many different types of shoe polishes available on the market, but it is important to choose one that is specifically meant for patent leather.

You can usually find this type of polish by looking for the words “patent leather” on the label.

Shoe polishes that are not meant for patent leather can actually damage and discolor your shoes, so it is important to use one that is specifically designed for this type of leather.

  • Apply the polish in a circular motion, using a soft cloth.
  • Make sure to apply it evenly and to the entire surface of the patent leather.
  • Let the polish dry completely for about 3-5 minutes before buffing it off with a clean cloth.
  • If your shoes are very dirty or covered in scuff marks, you might need to repeat this process two or three times before they are restored to their original shine.

By following these simple tips, you can easily keep your patent leather items looking shiny and new for years to come.

5. Applying a Waterproofing Spray

Applying a waterproofing spray is an awesome way to keep the surface of your patent leather items in good condition and shiny.

It will help prevent staining, scuffing, or water damage to the surface of your patent leather items such as bags, shoes, jackets, to mention a few.

Make sure to follow the instructions on how to apply it properly so you can get the best results possible out of this product. You should also make sure that your patent leather is clean and dry before applying the spray.

Waterproofing sprays usually come in a can or a bottle, and are available at most stores that sell leather products.

To use a waterproofing spray on your patent leather items, all you need to do is to;

  • Shake the can or bottle well before use.
  • Hold it about 12 inches away from the surface of the patent leather.
  • Apply it in a light, even coat across the entire surface.
  • Let it dry completely (usually takes about 15 minutes).
  • Waterproofing sprays usually last for quite some time, but you might need to reapply it once every few months or so.
  • The exact amount of time that these sprays last will depend on how often you use your patent leather items and what kind of activities you engage in while wearing them.
  • So if for instance, you live in a cold climate where the temperature drops below freezing during wintertime, then you might want to consider reapplying your waterproofing spray more often.

A good quality patent leather waterproofing spray will help keep your patent leather looking shiny and new for many many years to come.

6. Wear Patent Leather Items in Dry Weather Conditions

It is best to avoid wearing your patent leather items in wet weather conditions, as this can cause the surface to become stained or damaged.

It is common knowledge that patent leather is completely sealed and because of that, it is highly water-resistant.

However, if you must wear them in rainy or snowy weather, make sure to protect them with a waterproof coat or cover.

This is because patent leather goods tend to prematurely dull when it is exposed to a lot of water.

It is recommended to wear patent leather items in dry weather conditions, as this will help keep them looking shiny and new for many years to come.

This is not to say patent leather items will not be able to withstand a little rain or snow, but prolonged and constant exposure to these weather conditions can damage the surface and cause it to lose its shine.

So if you can avoid wearing your patent leather items in wet weather conditions, then do so.

If you must wear them out during those times, make sure to protect them with a waterproof coat or cover. This will help keep the surface looking shiny and new for many years to come.

7. Avoiding Scratches and Rubs

Patent leather tends to scratch easily, so it is important that you take good care of your patent leather items.

This means avoiding knocking, kicking, rubbing, or pressing hard against anything sharp or abrasive while wearing them because this can cause permanent damage and ruin their appearance.

To avoid damaging your patent leather shoes, try not to wear them in conditions where there are a lot of rocks or other sharp objects on the ground.

You should also avoid walking through muddy areas with patent leather shoes, as the mud could easily stain them and cause permanent damage to the surface.

Avoid wearing your patent leather items in situations where there are a lot of rocks or other sharp objects on the ground because this can cause permanent damage and ruin their appearance. To avoid damaging your patent leather

It is also recommended that you do not store your patent leather items with any metal objects such as keys because they can rub against each other while being moved around and cause scratches.

8. Keep Patent Leather Items Away From Heat Sources

Another thing you should avoid when taking care of your patent leather items is exposing them to heat sources.

This means keeping them away from things like direct sunlight, fireplaces, stoves, and any other type of heat source – as a means to dry them or break them in.

Exposing patent leather to high levels of heat can cause it to become dry, stiff, and cracked – ruining the surface quality of the item.

Heat can ruin your patent leather surfaces by compromising the synthetic coating on the surface of the patent leather item.

For example, exposure to extreme heat can cause the surface to not only dry, stiff, and crack but can seriously dull it.

If you must use a heat source for drying purposes, then make sure it is no hotter than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.78 Celsius) so as not to damage any part of your patent leather product.

In addition to that rule about heat sources, it is recommended that you never store your patent leather items in any place that can get really hot.

For example, if you have a car then do not keep them on the dash or anywhere else inside of the vehicle where there might be direct sunlight hitting them during the day while they are parked outside in extreme heat conditions.

9. Removing Stains Quickly

Most people including me are victims of this. Like most people, I tend to procrastinate when it comes to cleaning up spills or other stains on my patent leather items or clothes.

However, this is not a good practice because the longer you wait to clean up the spill or stain, the greater the chance of it becoming permanent and almost impossible to remove without damaging the surface.

If you happen to spill something on your patent leather item, then try and clean it up as quickly as possible using a soft cloth.

In fact, it is often a lot easier to clean fresh stains from patent leather than it is to remove dried or older stains that have become sticky or gummy.

If the stain is really bad and you can’t clean it up using a soft cloth, then you can try using a mild soap or detergent diluted in water.

Make sure to test this solution on an inconspicuous area of the patent leather surface before applying it directly to the stain.

10. Avoid Harsh Products And Cleaning Solutions

Last but not least, when it comes to taking care of your patent leather items so they keep their shine is to avoid using harsh cleaning solutions or products. Harsh chemicals can damage the surface of the patent leather and make it look dull and lifeless.

I used to be a fan of always mixing DIY cleaning solutions using bleach, vinegar, baking soda, and other harsh chemicals. While some of these concoctions helped to remove dirt and stains, they always left the surface of my leather looking dry and in most cases, dull.

These harsh chemicals can eat away at the synthetic coating on your patent leather item – causing it to become dull, brittle, and crack over time.

Although now I’m able to use household solutions such as all-purpose cleaners, window cleaner, or furniture polish to clean my patent leather without damaging it, I always resort to specialize leather and patent leather cleaners or care products. I now only use DIY solutions only when necessary or when there is no other option.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, these are some of the main things you should do in order to keep your patent leather items shiny.

If you keep these tips in mind, then your patent leather items will maintain their shiny look for a long time to come.

The methods and tips discussed on how to keep your patent leather items shiny in this article are some of the easiest ways of keeping patent leather shiny.

It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t require any special equipment and in many cases, you wouldn’t have to purchase any products to keep your patent leather shiny.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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