How To Care For Buffalo Leather Saddle (5 Easy Steps)

How To Care For Buffalo Leather Saddle

If you’re lucky enough to own a buffalo leather saddle, you know it’s a true investment.

Caring for your saddle properly will prolong its life and keep it looking beautiful for years to come.

Here are some tips on how to care for your buffalo leather saddle.

1. What Is Buffalo Leather Saddle?

Buffalo leather saddles are a great option for riders looking for an affordable yet reliable piece of tack.

Made from full-grain buffalo hide, these strong, durable saddles hold up well with consistent use while still being gentle on the horse’s back.

Perfectly suited to all levels of riding, these saddles provide a comfortable seat that’s both supportive and breathable and offers ample balance to the rider.

Though they may require more maintenance than synthetic materials and can generally be somewhat heavier, once broken in, you can expect years of lasting use out of your Buffalo leather saddle.

2. How To Clean Buffalo Leather Saddle

Cleaning your buffalo leather saddle is essential to maintaining its softness and strength.

Depending on the type of dirt, you may need to use a specialized treatment or something more simple, like mild dish soap, leather cleaner, or saddle soap with cold water.

For example, if you’re dealing with mud or dirt, use a damp cloth to wipe the affected area and then apply saddle soap.

For more stubborn stains, you can use a leather cleaner that specifically states it is suitable for buffalo leather.

Saddle soap tends to work best for cleaning and conditioning most saddles, but you should always test the product on an inconspicuous area of your saddle first to ensure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

Once you’ve cleaned the affected areas, rinse with a water-damp cloth and allow it to dry completely before use.

Avoid rubbing too hard because this could damage the thin coating located on the surface of the leather, which helps prevent cracking.

3. How To Oil or Condition Buffalo Leather Saddle

Buffalo leather is an excellent choice for any type of saddle, as it is natural, supple, and exceptionally strong.

But to keep your saddle in the best condition and extend its life, regular oiling or conditioning is required.

The process entails using a very small amount of oil or conditioning cream on a soft cloth and rubbing the cloth together to warm up the cream before gently working it into the leather.

You should take great care when moisturizing your saddle, so you don’t apply too much, then use another cotton cloth to buff off any excess product before leaving it to sink in.

With diligent maintenance, your buffalo leather saddle will provide many years of riding pleasure.

4. How To Store Buffalo Leather Saddle

If you’re looking for a long-lasting saddle that can handle the toughest rides, buffalo leather is an excellent choice.

This unique material is extremely durable and can protect against the elements and regular wear and tear.

To ensure these saddles last as long as possible, proper storage is essential.

Avoid moisture as much as possible – opt for places like an inside closet or a room without humidity.

Try to keep it out of direct sunlight as well because the heat can cause cracks in the surface over time.

Investing in a quality waterproof bag or saddle cover is also a great idea to help protect against spills, dust, or other environmental elements that could damage it.

With just the right care, you’ll be able to enjoy your buffalo leather saddle for years to come.

5. How To Repair Buffalo Leather Saddle

Repairing a buffalo leather saddle can be an intimidating task, but with proper knowledge and the right materials, it can easily be done in a safe and efficient manner.

First, identify the problem: is it cracking, dryness, or a tear?

For a crack, you’ll need to clean the affected area with saddle soap, then apply a thin layer of leather glue and wait for it to dry.

If your saddle needs moisturizing, use a soft cloth and some natural leather oil or heavy-duty conditioner and gently rub it into the surface.

For a tear, use leather glue to stick the edges together and press them firmly.

Finally, once you’re finished with the repair job, apply a coat of waterproofing finish to seal in the results.

Following this simple guide will help you keep your buffalo leather saddle in good condition for years to come.

Final Thoughts

Assuming you have followed all the steps on how to take care of your buffalo leather saddle, it should last you a long time.

The key things to remember are to clean it regularly, oil it when necessary, and store in a cool, dry place.

With proper care, your saddle will continue to provide comfort for years to come. Do you have any tips on how to take care of buffalo leather saddles?


Q: How often should I oil my buffalo leather saddle?

A: The frequency of oiling will depend on the environment and how much you use your saddle, but generally, it’s best to oil a buffalo leather saddle every six months or so.

Q: What type of conditioner is best for Buffalo Leather Saddles?

A: It’s best to use a natural leather conditioner that is free of chemicals and dyes. This will help maintain the integrity of the leather and keep it looking its best.

Q: Can I use regular soap on my saddle?

A: You should not use regular soap as this can strip away essential oils and leave the leather vulnerable to cracking and damage. Instead, use a saddle cleaner specifically designed for leather.

Q: What should I do if my saddle gets wet?

A: If your saddle gets wet, allow it to dry naturally, and then apply a coat of leather conditioner. This will help protect it from further damage.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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