Does Saddle Soap Waterproof Leather? (All You Need To Know)

Does Saddle Soap Waterproof Leather?

Saddle soap is a popular product used to clean and condition leather. It is said to waterproof leather as well. But does it really work? In this article, we will take a closer look at saddle soap and its ability to waterproof leather. We will also discuss the pros and cons of using saddle soap on your leather goods.

Depending on the brand of saddle soap you use, some saddle soap may actually waterproof leather while others may not. But generally, the most common ingredients in saddle soap are animal fats, castor oil, beeswax, and lanolin. Either one or a combination of these ingredients in saddle soap can help to condition and waterproof leather.

To learn more about the topic of saddle soap and waterproofing leather, keep reading this article.

What Is Saddle Soap And What Does It Do?

Saddle soap is a cleaning product that is used to clean and condition leather. It comes in a bar or a liquid form, and it is made from natural ingredients like lanolin, beeswax, and glycerin. The fact that it’s called saddle soap does not mean it is only used to clean or condition saddles alone.

Saddle soap is usually used to clean and condition saddles, horse tack, and other leather items like shoes, belts, and purses. It is a good idea to test the saddle soap on an inconspicuous spot on the item you are cleaning to make sure it doesn’t damage the leather.

Details On The Reason Why Saddle Saddle Soap Waterproofs Leather

The main reason why saddle soap can waterproof leather is that it contains natural oils and waxes. These ingredients help to create a barrier on the surface of the leather that repels water.

When you use saddle soap on your leather goods, it not only cleans the leather but also leaves behind a thin layer of oil and wax. This helps to protect the leather from getting damaged by water.

To ensure your leather is properly waterproofed, you might have to apply a few more layers of saddle soap. You can also use a waterproofing spray after using saddle soap on your leather goods to get much better results. On top of that, it also helps to keep the leather looking shiny and new.

The oils and waxes in saddle soap can also help to condition the leather. This is because they help to replenish the natural oils that are lost over time. When the natural oils are replenished, it helps to keep the leather soft and supple.

But the truth of the matter is saddle soap is generally not made specifically to waterproof leather so you might not have every single saddle soap that you use to waterproof your leather goods.

Pros And Cons Of Using Saddle Soap To Waterproof Leather

There are both pros and cons to using saddle soap to waterproof leather. Let’s take a look at the pros first.

The Pros

  • Easy To Use

One of the main pros of using saddle soap for waterproof leather is that it is very easy to use. You simply have to apply it to the leather and then buff it off. It doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge to use saddle soap on your leather goods.

  • Inexpensive

Another pro of using saddle soap is that it is very inexpensive. This is mainly due to how versatile most saddle soaps are. Usually, you will be able to use saddle soap to clean, condition, and in some cases waterproof your leather goods. So you wouldn’t have to get several different products to take care of your leather goods.

  • Extends The Lifespan of Your Leather Goods

When used properly, saddle soap can actually help to extend the lifespan of your leather goods. This is because it conditions the leather and helps to protect it from water damage. By doing this, you will be able to keep your leather goods looking new for a longer period of time.

The Cons

Now let’s take a look at some of the cons of using saddle soap to waterproof leather.

  • Can Darken Light-Colored Leather

The main con of using saddle soap is that it can darken light-colored leather. This is because most saddle soaps contain oils and waxes that can darken the leather over time.

This is especially the case if you apply several layers of saddle soap on your leather goods. So if you’re looking to waterproof your light-colored leather goods and you would want to maintain their color, you might want to consider using another method.

How To Apply Saddle Soap To Waterproof Leather

The process of using saddle soap to waterproof leather is no different from using it to clean and condition leather. All of the 3 actions happen at the same time as you apply and then buff the saddle soap on your leather goods.

Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  • Step 1: Start by testing the saddle soap on an inconspicuous spot on the item you are cleaning to make sure it doesn’t damage the leather.
  • Step 2: Once you have determined that it is safe to use, take a small amount of saddle soap on a microfiber cloth and start rubbing it into the leather in small circular motions.
  • Step 3: Continue doing this until you have covered the entire surface of the leather item.
  • Step 4: Once you’re done, take another clean microfiber cloth and buff off any excess saddle soap from the leather. And that’s it! You have now successfully used the saddle.

Saddle Soaps That Can Waterproof Leather

Now that we have gone over the pros and cons of using saddle soap to waterproof leather, let’s take a look at some of the best saddle soaps that can actually do the job.

Kiwi Saddle Soap

Kiwi saddle soap is a great option if you’re looking to waterproof your leather goods. This is because it contains beeswax and other ingredients that help to condition the leather and make it more resistant to water damage.

Fiebing’s Saddle Soap

Fiebing’s saddle soap is another great choice for waterproofing leather. This saddle soap is made with lanolin and other conditioners that help to protect the leather from water damage.

Fiebing’s Glycerin Saddle Soap Bar

If you’re looking for an alternative to liquid saddle soap, you might want to consider using Fiebing’s glycerin saddle soap bar. This product is made with glycerin and other conditioners that help to waterproof the leather.

Farnam Leather New Saddle Soap 

Farnam leather’s new saddle soap is another great choice for waterproofing leather. This saddle soap is made with lanolin and other conditioners that help to protect the leather from water damage.

Tips and Tricks For Keeping Your Leather Waterproofed

Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to keep your leather waterproofed:

Apply A Waterproofing Cream Regularly

One of the best ways to keep your leather waterproofed is by applying a waterproofing cream on it regularly. This will help to create a barrier on the leather that will repel water and other liquids.

Re-Waterproof After Cleaning protected

Another thing that you need to do is to re-waterproof your leather goods after you have cleaned them. This is because most cleaning products will remove the existing waterproofing on your leather goods. So by applying a new layer of waterproofing, you will be able to keep your leather goods protected.

Use A Waterproofing Spray

You can also use a waterproofing spray on your leather goods. This is a great option if you are looking for something that is quick and easy to use. Simply spray the waterproofing solution on your leather goods and you’re good to go!

Choose The Right Saddle Soap

When it comes to saddle soap, not all of them are created equal. Some saddle soaps are better at waterproofing than others. So if you’re looking for a saddle soap that will do a great job at waterproofing your leather goods, make sure to choose one that is specifically designed for that purpose.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article has answered your question: does saddle soap waterproof leather? As you can see, there are both pros and cons to using saddle soap to waterproof your leather goods.

So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to waterproof your leather, saddle soap is a great option. However, if you’re looking for something that is more durable and long-lasting, you might want to consider using a different waterproofing solution.

Either way, we hope that this article has given you some helpful information on how to waterproof your leather goods. Thanks for reading!


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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