Does Faux Leather Scratch Easily? The Truth Revealed

Does Faux Leather Scratch Easily?

Faux leather or synthetic leather is made to look and feel like genuine leather but at a lower cost. If you have any faux leather in your home, you probably want to know if it’s easily susceptible to scratches.

After all, one of the main characteristics of real leather is that they tend to scratch easily. Does the same apply to faux leather?

Unlike real leather, faux leather is not as delicate and it’s less likely to scratch. However, this does not mean that it is completely scratch-resistant. It can still get scratched if you are not careful with your faux leather furniture or clothing.

Continue reading as I share with you four things that make faux leather scratch-resistant, tips on preventing scratches on your faux leather, and what to do if it gets scratched.

Reasons Why Faux Leather Does Not Scratch Easily

Here are some of the things that make faux leather more scratch-resistant than genuine leather:

1. Faux Leather Is Made From Plastic Materials

One of the things that make faux leather scratch-resistant is the fact that it is made from plastic. Plastic is a lot tougher than animal skin and is less likely to get scratched easily.

The main material used in faux leather is PVC or polyurethane. These materials are tough and durable, making them more resistant to scratches than real leather.

PVC is a type of plastic that is used in many different industries because it is strong and resistant to many chemicals.

Polyurethane, on the other hand, is a synthetic plastic material made from polymers. PVC and polyurethane are tough materials less likely to scratch than genuine leather.

2. Faux Leather Has A Dense And Smooth Surface

Another reason why faux leather is less likely to scratch is because it has a dense and smooth surface.

The surface of genuine leather is not as dense and smooth as that of faux leather. When the least pressure is applied, the tiny pores on the surface of real leather could easily get damaged, causing scratches.

Faux leather, on the other hand, has a much denser surface. There are no pores on the surface of faux leather. As a result, it is less likely to get scratched.

This gives faux leather a big advantage over real leather when it comes to scratch resistance. But this is not to say having a few scratches on your leather items is a bad thing.

For me, it’s a great way to give my leather articles some character. But I also understand most people would want their products’ pristine look when they first bought them.

3. Faux Leather Scratches Are Usually Not Visible

Another thing that makes faux leather more scratch-resistant is the fact that scratches on this material are usually not visible.

This is because of how durable the faux leather surface is. When this material gets scratched, the scratch usually does not penetrate through the surface.

As a result, the scratches are usually not visible. This is in contrast to real leather, where even the slightest scratch can be easily seen.

Generally, a two-year-old faux leather bag will look the same as when it was new, minus a few scratches that are usually not visible.

4. Faux Leather Has A Self-healing Quality

One thing most people do not know is the fact that faux leather has a self-healing quality.

When this material gets scratched, the scratch usually disappears within a few days. This is because the PVC and polyurethane materials used in faux leather have a memory quality.

As a result, when these materials get scratched, they will try to heal themselves by going back to their original shape with time.

While this may not happen almost immediately, scuff marks and scratches tend to disappear within a few days, making faux leather more resistant to scratches.

This self-healing quality is not found in real leather. Once genuine leather gets scratched, the scratches will be permanent until it has been sealed or painted over.

Tips On How To Maintain Your Faux Leather Goods

Now that you know some of the reasons why faux leather does not scratch easily, here are some tips on how you can maintain your faux leather goods:

  • Store Them Properly

If you are not using your faux leather products, store them properly. Do not leave them in a place where they can get scratched easily.

Store them in a cool and dry place, away from sharp objects that can cause scratches. Also, do not place other materials on top of them, as this can also cause scratches and ugly dents.

  • Use A Soft Cloth To Clean Them

When cleaning your faux leather products, use a soft cloth. Do not use anything abrasive, as this can damage or weaken the surface of the faux leather material.

All it takes is a clean microfiber cloth and some warm water to remove dirt and grime from your faux leather products.

  • Dust or Vacuum Your Faux Leather Surfaces Regularly

To prevent dirt and grime from building up on your faux leather surfaces and potentially causing scratches, dust or vacuum them regularly.

You can use a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and debris from the surface of your faux leather products.

Or, you can use a clean microfiber cloth to dust off the surface of your faux leather furniture. Do this at least once a week to prevent dirt and grime from causing scratches or building up.

  • Use A Leather Protector

You can use a leather protector if you want an extra layer of protection for your faux leather goods.

This will create a barrier on the surface of your faux leather products, making them more resistant to dirt, grime, and scratches.

There are many leather protector products available on the market. Choose one that is suitable for the type of faux leather you have.

Follow the instructions on how to apply it properly to get the best results.

  • Keep Your Faux Leather Away from Sharp Objects

To prevent your faux leather from getting scratched, keep it away from sharp objects.

Do not place your faux leather products next to sharp objects like knives or keys. Also, do not sit on them with sharp objects in your pockets.

Be careful when handling them, as well. Avoid using anything sharp or abrasive when cleaning or handling your faux leather products.

  • Do Not Use Harsh Chemicals On Faux Leather Goods

When cleaning your faux leather products, do not use harsh chemicals.

Harsh chemicals can damage the surface of your faux leather goods and make them more susceptible to scratches.

Use warm water and a soft cloth when cleaning your faux leather products. If you must use a cleaner, choose one that is mild and specifically designed for faux leather.

Before using any cleaner on your faux leather products, test it on a small area first. This will allow you to see how the cleaner reacts with the faux leather and if it causes any damage.

  • Do Not Leave Them In Direct Sunlight

Doing this can break down the surface of the faux leather and make it more susceptible to scratches.

If you must place your faux leather products in sunlight, do so for a limited amount of time. And, make sure they are not in direct sunlight.

For example, you can protect your faux leather goods from the sun by using blinds, curtains, or shutters. Or, you can place them in a room that does not get direct sunlight.

Final Thoughts

Faux leather is a great alternative to real leather, especially if you are looking for a durable and scratch-resistant material.

While it is not completely scratch-proof, it is more resistant to scratches than real leather. It also has a self-healing quality that helps to reduce the appearance of scratches over time.

To prevent your faux leather from getting scratched, follow the tips above. With a little care and attention, you can keep your faux leather products looking like new for years to come.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article was helpful!


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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