Does Faux Leather Rip Easily? Yes! Here Are 5 Reasons & Fix

Does Faux Leather Rip Easily?

There are a lot of different materials that can be used to make furniture. Leather is a popular choice for many people, but it can be expensive. Faux leather is a cheaper alternative that has recently become increasingly popular. In this article, I will explore one of the biggest questions most people ask when it comes to faux leather: whether it rips or tears easily.

To summarize the answer to this question, faux leather rips and tears easily, especially as it ages or when put under stress or heavy use. This is mainly because faux leather is made from plastic material and lacks natural leather’s tensile strength.

Stick around as I delve into the details that will cover;

  • The reasons why faux leather rips easily,
  • how to fix a rip in faux leather, and
  • some tips on how to prevent rips in faux leather.

Reasons Faux Leather Rips Easily

There are a few more reasons why faux leather goods rip easily. Here are some of the most common reasons.

1. Faux Leather Is Made From Plastic Materials

Faux leather is made up of polyurethane or PVC, which are both plastic materials. This is the same reason why it’s so affordable. However, it’s not as durable as genuine leather because it’s made from plastic.

The plastic materials are often bonded or coated with other materials to make them look like leather. However, these coatings can wear down over time, making the faux leather more susceptible to tearing.

While faux leather is a great alternative to real leather, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t have the same durability. If you’re looking for a long-lasting product, genuine leather is a better option.

2. Faux Leather Has No Tensile Strength

This is one of the most important qualities of real leather. The tensile strength is what gives leather its durability. It’s what allows it to withstand stretching and pulling without tearing.

This ability comes from the way the fibers of natural leather are arranged. The fibers are all interwoven, which gives the leather strength.

This is why even the thinnest leather will not rip easily. The fibers are all holding each other in place, which prevents tearing.

Faux leather doesn’t have this same type of structure. Faux leather doesn’t have this same ability because it has no natural fibers.

They’re simply glued or bonded together. This makes faux leather much weaker and more susceptible to ripping.

3. Faux Leather Rips More Easily When It’s Stretched

Faux leather rips more easily when subjected to force or stretching. This is because faux leather is made of plastic materials that can’t stretch like natural fibers.

When you try to stretch faux leather, the material will rip. This is why it’s important to be careful when wearing tight clothing made of faux leather.

If you’re going to wear something tight, make sure it’s made of genuine leather. It will be more durable and less likely to rip.

Also, if you want to stretch your faux leather items, ensure it is done carefully so as not to cause any damage.

4. Faux Leather Rips More Easily In Hot Weather

Hot weather can also cause faux leather to rip more easily. This is because the heat can make the material softer and more pliable.

This is particularly true when the faux leather is exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged hours. The heat can make the material weaker and more susceptible to ripping.

When the material is softer, it’s more likely to rip when stretched or pulled. This is why you should be careful when wearing, storing, or using faux leather goods outdoors.

5. Too Much Use

Another thing that causes faux leather to rip easily is too much use. Over time, the material can break down and become weaker.

This is especially true for items that are used frequently. The more you use them, the more likely they are to rip.

Faux leather goods are not as durable as genuine leather. They’re made of plastic materials that can break down over time, so make sure not to subject your faux leather items to too much wear and tear.

How To Fix A Rip In Faux Leather

If you have a rip in your faux leather, don’t despair. There are a few things you can do to fix it. But I must say that if the rip is larger than 6-7 inches, it might be better to replace the piece entirely.

1. Use Superglue

One of the easiest ways to fix a rip in faux leather is to use superglue. Because faux leather is a plastic material, superglue will bond well with it.

To use this method, simply apply the superglue to both sides of the rip. Then, press the two sides together and hold for a few seconds.

The super glue will dry quickly and bond the two pieces of faux leather together. This method works best for small tears or rips.

2. Use A Sewing Kit

If the rip in your faux leather is larger, you might need to sew it together. This is a bit more difficult than using super glue, but it will give you a stronger hold.

In most cases, you would want to have a professional do this for you. But if you’re feeling brave, you can try it yourself. All you need is a sewing kit and some thread that matches the faux leather.

To sew the rip together, simply thread a needle and tie a knot at the end. Then, poke the needle through one side of the rip and pull it through to the other side.

Continue doing this until the rip is sewn together. Once you’re finished, tie a knot to secure the thread and trim any excess.

3. Use A Patches

Another option for fixing a rip in faux leather is to use patches. This is a good option if the rip is large or if you want to add some extra protection.

There are a few different types of patches you can use. The most common are fabric patches and adhesive patches.

To use a fabric patch, simply purchase a patch that’s made of the same material as faux leather. Then, cut the patch to size and glue or sew it over the rip.

Adhesive patches are a bit easier to use. They come with an adhesive backing that you can peel and stick onto the faux leather.

To use an adhesive patch, simply measure and cut the patch to size. Then, peel off the backing and press the patch onto the faux leather.

4. Use A Faux Leather Repair Kit

You can use a faux leather repair kit if you want an easy and convenient way to fix a rip in faux leather. These kits come with everything you need to fix small tears and rips.

Most kits come with an adhesive backing and some type of filler material. To use the kit, simply follow the instructions that come with it.

You’ll most likely need to clean the area around the rip. Then, apply the adhesive backing and press it onto the faux leather.

Next, apply the filler material onto the adhesive. The filler will dry and bond with the faux leather, creating a strong and durable repair.

Tips On How To Prevent Faux Leather From Ripping

It is important to remember that rips and tears are inevitable as far as faux leather is concerned. However, there are a few things you can do to prolong the life of your faux leather goods and prevent rips.

1. Invest In High-Quality Faux Leather

The first step is to invest in high-quality faux leather. This might cost you a bit more upfront, but it will be worth it in the long run.

High-quality faux leather is more durable and less likely to rip. So, it’s a good idea to invest in some well-made pieces that will last you for years.

2. Avoid Sharp Objects

You should avoid exposing your faux leather to sharp objects. This includes things like knives, keys, and other pointy objects.

If you have sharp objects in your bag or pockets, keep them away from your faux leather items. Also, be careful when you’re handling sharp objects near your faux leather furniture.

3. Store Faux Leather Properly

When you’re not using your faux leather, it’s important to store it properly. This means keeping it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

Sunlight can cause fading and other damage to faux leather. So, it’s best to keep it stored in a dark closet or drawer.

4. Don’t Overstretch It

Another thing to avoid is overstretching the faux leather. This can happen if you’re trying to put on a piece of clothing that’s too tight.

Or, if you’re using faux leather to cover a piece of furniture, make sure you don’t pull it too tight. Otherwise, you might rip or tear the material.

5. Don’t Leave It In The Sun

Leaving faux leather in the sun for too long can cause it to dry out and crack. If you have faux leather items you’re not using, store them in a cool, dark place.

6. Don’t Use Harsh Cleaners

Cleaning faux leather with harsh chemicals can damage the material and cause it to rip. Stick to gentle cleaners that are designed for use on faux leather.

Even better, use warm water and a soft cloth to clean your faux leather items. This will help prevent damage and keep the material looking its best.

7. Don’t Use Heat On It

Applying heat to faux leather can also cause it to damage and rip. This includes things like hair dryers, irons, and curling irons.

If you need to remove wrinkles from your faux leather clothing, hang it up in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. The steam will help to remove any wrinkles.

8. Don’t Overload It

When you’re using faux leather luggage or bags, don’t overload them. Otherwise, the material can rip or tear.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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