Do You Condition Leather Before Or After Polish? (Guide!)

Do You Condition Leather Before Or After Polish?

Conditioning leather is an important step in preserving the quality of leather. But there is some debate about whether it should be done before or after polishing. In this article, I will explore both methods and recommend what you should do to get the best results.

Leather conditioners and polishes come in different forms. There are leather conditioners that contain both conditioning oils and polishing agents. And some polishes also contain both conditioning oils and polishing agents. These types of conditioners and polishes will do both jobs of conditioning and polishing in one step.

But there are also stand-alone leather conditioners and polishes. Unfortunately, these products do not contain both conditioning oils and polishing agents. So you will need to use them separately if you want to condition and polish your leather items like boots and shoes. So do you condition leather before or after polish?

It is always essential to condition your leather items before polishing them. Conditioning leather helps to replenish the natural oils that are lost over time. It also helps to soften and protect the leather. Polishing leather without first conditioning can actually damage the leather.

Reasons You Should Condition Leather Before Polishing

There are many reasons why you should always condition your leather before polishing. Here are just a few of those reasons:

1. Moisturizes The Leather Fibers

The first important reason to condition your leather before polishing is that it helps to moisturize the leather fibers. This is important because your leather item can dry up if you do not condition leather before polishing it.

Dry leather is more prone to cracking and breaking. So by conditioning your leather before polishing, you are helping to prevent this from happening.

2. Keeps The Leather Soft And Supple

Conditioning leather before polishing also helps keep the leather soft and supple. This is important because it helps to prolong the life of the leather and prevents it from drying out and cracking over time.

Leather that is rigid or hard can be tough to polish, and it can also be more susceptible to damage.

3. Retains Or Preserves The Essential Oils In The Leather

Conditioning your leather items before polishing helps to preserve their natural oils and keeps them looking healthy for longer. Leather contains essential oils in its fibers, and it’s these essential oils that keep the leather lubricated.

So whenever you apply a leather conditioner before polishing your leather items, you are essentially helping to preserve these essential oils.

This is important because it helps to prolong the life of the leather and prevents it from drying out and cracking over time.

4. Conditioning Replenishes Lost Oils

When you condition leather first before polishing your leather items, you are helping to replenish any lost oils. However, over time, leather can lose its natural oils, and this can cause it to dry out and crack.

But by conditioning your leather before polishing it, you are essentially giving it a much-needed oil treatment. This is important because it helps to keep the leather looking healthy and prevents it from drying out and cracking over time.

Reasons You Should Polish Leather After Conditioning

Now that we’ve looked at some of the reasons you should condition leather before polishing let’s look at some of the reasons you might want to polish your leather after conditioning it. Here are just a few of those reasons:

1. Gives Leather A Better Protective Coating

When you apply polish to leather, it creates a barrier between the leather and the elements. This can help protect your leather from things like water damage and stains.

2. Ensure The Polish Adheres To The Leather Surface

Conditioning your leather before polishing it will help to ensure that the polish adheres well to the surface of the leather. In addition, this will create a stronger protective coating that will be more durable and long-lasting.

3. Polishing After Help To Trap The Conditioning Oils In The Leather

If you condition your leather before polishing it, the conditioning oils will be trapped in the leather. This can help to keep your leather soft and supple.

4. Helps To Create A Water-Resistant Barrier

Another important benefit of polishing leather after the leather has been conditioned is that it can help to create a water-resistant barrier. This can be especially important if you intend using your leather items on a wet day.

5. Gives The Leather A More Uniform Finish

When you polish your leather after conditioning it, you will be able to achieve a more uniform finish. This can help to give your leather items a neater and more professional appearance.

What Happens If You Condition Leather After Polishing?

If you do not follow the order as far as cleaning, conditioning, and polishing your leather goes, a few things can happen. And if it is a regular habit, it will lead to even worse consequences over time. Here are some of the things that can happen:

  • The Conditioner Will Not Be Absorbed

If you condition your leather after polishing it, the leather will already have a layer of polish on it. This can make it difficult for the conditioner to absorb the leather. As a result, the conditioner will not be able to penetrate as deeply into the leather and will not be as effective.

  • The Polish Will Not Adhere Properly

Another thing is when you condition your leather after polishing it, the polish will not adhere to the leather as well as it should. This is because the conditioner you apply after polishing the leather will start to saturate the polish and cause it to become tacky. This can make it difficult to buff the leather and achieve a smooth, shiny finish.

  • The Polish May Become Brittle Over Time

After polishing it regularly, the polish may become brittle over time if you condition your leather. This is because the conditioner will start to break down the polish, causing it to become dry and cracked. As a result, the polish will not be as effective at protecting the leather and may need to be replaced.

  • The Leather Will Lose Its Natural Shine

One of the most noticeable things that can happen when you condition your leather after polishing it is that the leather will loose its natural shine. As a result, the polish will start to dull over time, and the leather will become less lustrous.

  • The Leather Will Become Susceptible To Stains And Water Damage

Another thing that can happen when you condition your leather after polishing it is that the leather will become susceptible to stains and water damage. This is because the polish will no longer provide a barrier between the leather and the elements, leaving it vulnerable to stains and water damage.

The Best Way To Condition And Polish Leather Items

The best way to condition and polish your leather items is to do it in the correct order.

First Clean Your Leather

First, you should clean the leather with mild soap and water. You can also use a leather cleaner or conditioner to clean the leather.

Second, Condition The Leather

After the leather has been cleaned, you should apply a leather conditioner to it. You want to apply a very thin layer of conditioner to the leather and let it soak in for several minutes.

Third, Polish The Leather

Finally, you should polish the leather with quality leather polish. This will help to create a protective barrier on the leather and give it a shining, lustrous finish. You can also use a buffing cloth to help achieve a smooth, shiny finish.

Final Thoughts

Conditioning and polishing your leather items in the correct order is important to maintaining the quality of the leather. However, if you condition your leather after polishing it, you may notice some negative effects over time.

These effects can be avoided by following the proper order of cleaning, conditioning, and polishing your leather items. Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful.


Q: What is the best way to clean leather?

A: The best way to clean leather is with mild soap and water. You can also use a leather cleaner or conditioner to clean the leather.

Q: What is the best way to condition leather?

A: After the leather has been cleaned, you should apply a very thin layer of conditioner to it. You want to let the conditioner soak in for several minutes.

Q: What is the best way to polish leather?

A: You should polish the leather with quality leather polish. This will help to create a protective barrier on the leather and give it a shining, lustrous finish. You can also use a buffing cloth to help achieve a smooth, shiny finish.

Q: Is it better to buff or polish leather?

A: Buffing will help create a smooth, shiny finish, while polishing will help create a protective barrier on the leather.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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