Difficulty Pulling Needles Through Leather When Hand Sewing? 4 Hacks

Difficulty Pulling Needles Through Leather When Hand Sewing?

Hand stitching leather is a rewarding part of the craft, but one challenge I often face is pulling needles through pre-made holes.

It’s a task that can quickly become frustrating, especially with thicker leather or tighter stitches.

Fortunately, I’ve found a few solutions that make this process much smoother. In this post, I’ll share some practical tips that have helped me, so you can avoid the struggle and enjoy your stitching.

Tips for Easier Needle Pulling in Hand Sewing Leather

1. Ensure Pre-Made Holes Are the Right Size

Why It Matters:
The size of the holes you punch in the leather is crucial. If they’re too small, you’ll struggle to get the needle through, leading to pains on your finger tips, unnecessary effort exertion, and potential damage to the leather.

What I Do:
I make sure to use a stitching chisel or an awl that creates holes just large enough for my needle and thread to pass through smoothly.

It took me a few projects to realize that punching smaller holes didn’t necessarily mean a stronger stitch; it just meant more work pulling the needle through.

Now, I test the hole size on a scrap piece of leather before starting a project to ensure the needle glides through easily.

2. Use a Stitching Pony for Better Control

Why It Helps:
A stitching pony holds your leather firmly in place, freeing up both hands to focus on stitching.

This tool provides better control and leverage, making it easier to pull the needle through pre-made holes.

My Experience:
I used to struggle with holding the leather in one hand and stitching with the other. This often resulted in awkward angles and difficulty pulling the needle through.

After I started using a stitching pony, I noticed a huge improvement. With the leather held securely, I could use both hands to pull the needle through, which made the process much smoother and less frustrating.

3. Use Pliers to Grip the Needle

Why It’s Effective:
Sometimes, even with the right hole size, the needle can still be tough to pull through, especially with thicker leather or multiple layers. In these cases, a pair of pliers can be a game-changer.

How I Do It:
I keep a small pair of pliers handy when stitching, and whenever the needle starts to resist, I use the pliers to grip the needle and pull it through.

This extra leverage makes a big difference, especially towards the end of a long row of stitches when my hands are starting to tire.

4. Avoid Using an Oversized Needle

Why It Matters:
Using a needle that’s too large for your project can make pulling it through your leather when hand sewing much more difficult.

Oversized needles create more friction and can even enlarge the holes, compromising the quality of your stitches.

What I’ve Learned:
I always choose a needle that matches the size of the pre-made holes and the thickness of the thread. This reduces friction and makes the entire stitching process much smoother.


Pulling needles through pre-made holes when hand sewing your leather projects doesn’t have to be a frustrating part of leather crafting.

By ensuring your holes are the right size, using a stitching pony, keeping pliers handy, and selecting the right needle, you can make the process much easier and more enjoyable.

These tips have made a big difference in my projects, and I hope they help you as well. Happy stitching!


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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