The confusion with choosing real leather from fake leather is absolutely relatable. I am a leather artist and whenever I put my leather art out there I wonder how people can really tell if my work is...
Category: Leather FAQs
Vegetable tanning has a long history that begins with prehistory and over the years has reached an advanced level. I was excited to have done a bit of research on how vegetable tanned leather is made...
There are two main factors that can cause your leather to peel. It is important to know and understand these two factors so you can be able to care for your leather item. The reason leather items...
Understanding why your sweet pet dog is licking your leather items such as furniture or leather car seats can go along way in helping you keep your leather items safe and sound. A licking dog can...
Have you ever journeyed away from home and wondered to yourself if you got stuck and run out of food, what could you possibly eat in the absence of food? Can you possibly eat the leather...