Can You Use Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats? (10 Pros & Cons)

can you use shoe polish on leather car seats

It is no secret that leather car seats are expensive. The average cost for leather seats ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 depending on the make and model of the vehicle. You want to do everything in your power to protect them from wear and tear- this includes protection against spills as well! So can you use shoe polish on leather car seats?

No, you should not use shoe polish on leather car seats. Car leather seats are made from leather but are finished differently from how shoes are finished. The type of leather used for leather car seats will differ from what shoemakers usually work with – so using shoe polish on your leather car seats could lead to serious damages.

However, there are some instances where this might work. To learn more about what can happen when you use shoe polish on your leather car seats, keep reading this article.

Cons Of Using Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats

Let me start by sharing with you the disadvantages of using shoe polish on your leather car seats.

1. Leather Car Seats Won’t Soak Up Shoe Polish As Shoes Do

If you put shoe polish on your leather car seat, it will not soak up like a pair of shoes would. This is because car leather seats are made from leather but they’re finished differently than shoes.

The type of leather used for your car seat will determine how it’s finished. Some manufacturers finish the leather with a protective coating to prevent stains and watermarks, while others allow the natural color or texture of the hide including any scratches and scars to show through.

So like most other leather for car seats, if your leather car seat is made of leather that has been sealed or coated then it is not recommended that you use shoe polish on the car seat as the shoe polish will not absorb and nourish or polish the leather like it is supposed to.

You should consult with a professional if you have any doubts about what type of finish your leather car seat has for them to be able to advise as to how to best maintain the car seat.

2. Shoe Polish Can Create A Sticky Mess On The Leather Car Seats

Shoe polish is a cream that you use to shine shoes and boots. You may be able to use shoe polish as a protective barrier for leather car seats to create an even coat of sealant on the seat, protecting it from stains and other substances like water.

But this will come with a price. Ingredients in the shoe polish like wax, oils, and colorants can create a sticky mess on your car seats. The residue will build up over time.

If shoe polish is used as an option, it should only be applied in limited quantities and with proper care around the area where it will be touching leather seats.

This means that if you’re applying this substance with a cloth or sponge, then make sure not to let any of these items touch other areas such as fabric coverings or floor mats because they could pick up some of the residue left behind by the shoe polish cream.

3. Shoe Polish Gives Leather Car Seats Glossy Finish

It is important to first understand the different types of shoe polishes and what they are made for. There are two main categories: waxes and colorants or oils. Waxes give a glossy finish, while the oil-based substances put more moisture into the surface of your leather shoes.

The oils in shoe polishes also work as cleaners that remove stains from them like mud and dirt patches. But this is particularly a problem if you do not want any gloss on your leather car seats.

You will usually want your leather car seats’ rich natural luxurious look and feel without any gloss and shine. If this is what you prefer, then it would be best to avoid using shoe polish on your leather car seats.

On top of the glossy effects, the shoe polish will leave on your leather car seats, it can cause dirt to stick onto the surface or your leather car seats more easily if they come into contact with it.

4. Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats Can Rub Off Other Surfaces

Another issue you’re likely to face when you use shoe polish on your leather car seats is that it could rub off or get transferred onto other surfaces like clothes, or your skin when it comes into contact with it.

This is because the shoe polish’s colorants are pigments that will not dissolve to form a chemical bond with the leather, making it more likely to wear off and leave a mark on other surfaces.

While others may suggest applying shoe polished to leather car seats and buffing it as thoroughly as possible would help prevent color transfer, most car care experts will disagree.

5. Shoe Polish Smell May Be Too Strong

Last but not least, not everyone is a fan of the smell of shoe polish. If it smells like chemicals, you may want to reconsider using it on car seats because the strong chemical odor could be too much for leather surfaces and other materials in your vehicle that is sensitive to scents.

Leather is a porous material and can absorb smells, so it’s best if you can use a product made specifically for leather. Leather will still absorb smells even if it is coated or sealed. What’s worse is that the smells leather absorbs can linger for long if not treated.

This is where heavy-duty cleaners come in handy because they are specially formulated to remove scents and dirt from the surface of your leather car seats and leaving them neutral-smelling. These products may also have other benefits, like cleaning out mold or mildew that builds up over time on materials within your vehicle.

6. Shoe Polish May Cause Allergic Reactions

Many people are allergic to shoe polish, which can cause hives and redness on the skin. These reactions may be even more severe if you happen to have asthma or other chronic respiratory diseases like COPD or emphysema.

If you know that your allergies run deep, it’s best not to use any type of polishing product on leather seats to avoid a serious reaction.

This is particularly critical because the space your leather car seats occupy is confined and trapping such chemicals and exposing yourself to them if you’re allergic can be a very dangerous thing for your health.

Pros Of Using Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats

Although the disadvantages to using shoe polish far outweigh the advantages some people have found a way to work with shoe polishes when it comes to restoring their leather car seats.

While I personally find the use of shoe polish on leather car seats a bit too much, here are some of the main advantages of using shoe polish on leather car seats.

1. Shoe Polish Can Be Used To Fill In Cracks On Leather Car Seats

When it comes to the pros of using shoe polish on leather car seats, some people will use shoe polish as a way to fill in cracks. This is because after years and years of wear and tear, sometimes your leather car seat may have small scratches or even large deep marks that are visible from looking at them.

Shoe polish can be used effectively like an etching tool for filling these types of scrapes with color (usually black). Shoe polish is perfect for this because it is thick and can be easily manipulated to fill up these scratches.

However, you may not want to use shoe polish on leather car seats because the wax will go into your seat and make it more difficult to clean in certain areas of the chair.

As mentioned before, this will often work perfectly with black leather seats because there wouldn’t be an issue of color matching and black polish is easy to find.

2. Shoe Polish Can Be Used On Some Parts Of The Leather Car Seat

You will be able to use shoe polish on parts of the leather car seat such as the bolsters. However, you should not use it on the sides or parts that often contact your skin.

One of the best ways to use shoe polish on leather car seats is by removing all dirt and dust from the surface. Although there are parts of the leather car seats you can apply a shoe polish too, you will need to buff the applications very thoroughly.

3. Shoe polish Is A Cheaper Alternative

Another reason some people will go for shoe polish when it comes to restoring their leather car seats is that is a cheaper alternative to having them professionally restored.

4. Shoe Polishes Gives Leather A Protective Layer

Shoe polish also offers a protective layer to your leather car seat, with oils and waxes added to keep the surface looking glossy and fresh. This will make the leather car seats more water-resistant and also help protect against wear and tear from items such as keys or coins in pockets – which could scratch up your leather surfaces.

Important Tips For Using Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats

If you find the advantages of using shoe polish on your leather car seats absolutely useful and you do not really care about any of the downsides highlighted in this article, here are a couple of important tips to remember.

These tips will in a small way minimize the negative effects of using the shoe polish on your leather car seats.

  • Be sure to buff the application thoroughly.
  • Make sure to clean the leather seat’s surface thoroughly before applying the shoe polish. You can use rubbing alcohol or a dry cloth.
  • Also, make sure to have high-quality shoe polish without any sort of artificial coloring or fragrances added to it.
  • Do not use shoe polish on parts of the leather car seat that come in contact with your skin.
  • Only apply it to non-touching surfaces such as bolsters and armrests.
  • You can also use shoe polish to restore any leather surfaces that are getting worn.
  • Apply the shoe polish with a clean cotton cloth and buff it until it is dry and smooth.

Final Thoughts

Pros And Cons Of Using Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats – Summary

The Pros The Cons
Shoe Polish Can Be Used To Fill In Cracks On Leather Car Seats Leather Car Seats Won’t Soak Up Shoe Polish As Shoes Do
Shoe Polish Can Be Used On Some Parts Of The Leather Car Seat Shoe Polish Can Create A Sticky Mess On The Leather Car Seats
Shoe polish Is A Cheaper Alternative Shoe Polish Gives Leather Car Seats Glossy Finish
Shoe Polishes Gives Leather A Protective Layer Shoe Polish On Leather Car Seats Can Rub Off Other Surfaces
Shoe Polish Smell May Be Too Strong
Shoe Polish May Cause Allergic Reactions

This article concludes by stating some of the major reasons not to use shoe polish on leather car seats such as how smelly it can get, potential color transfer to other surfaces like clothes, etc. I also took a look at some of the advantages using shoe polish could bring to your leather car seats.

Looking at the main benefits and the demerits of using shoe polish on leather car seats in general, I personally will not go it. I will always recommend using regular leather conditioner instead of shoe polish since it offers similar advantages without any of these disadvantages! And don’t forget to use a microfiber towel when applying!


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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