Can You Use Crep Protect On Leather? (10 Pros & Cons)

Can You Use Crep Protect On Leather

A common question for leather owners is whether or not they can use crep protect on their leather items. This article will discuss whether or not crep protect can be used on leather.

So can you use crep protect on leather? You can use crep protect on your leather items like leather sneakers, leather boots, and leather bags. Using crep protect on your leather items is a good way to protect them from getting dirty or looking worn out.

While you can use crep protect on your leather goods, it is important to always shake the spray can well and spray the leather surface at a good distance (that is about 20-30cm away from the leather surface).

In case you spray the crep protect on your leather and the surface starts to look white-ish, you can just wait for it to dry and then spray the crep protect again on the white residue and immediately wipe it away using a microfiber cloth or any clean rag.

It is, however, important to mention that the white residue will appear as a result of the crep protect oversaturating the leather surface.

This is often the case if you spray too close to the leather surface or if you spray too much crep protect at once.

Also, if the leather surface has been protected already or hasn’t been clean prior to applying crep protect, then there is a high chance that you will notice white residue appearing.

Meaning you need to be very cautious when applying crep protect to leather and avoid over saturating the surface.

Do not bother to use water to clean crep protect residue if you happen to oversaturate the leather surface while applying crep protect to it.

Just let the leather item dry and then apply a fresh layer of crep protect and as mentioned before wipe it immediately with a clean cloth to remove the initial white residue or oversaturation.

As you can rightly see, the answer to the question of whether or not you can use crep protect on leather is affirmative but with some caveats.

In the rest of this article, I will delve into the pros and cons of using crep protect on leather. But first, let’s start with the basics of what crep protect is and does.

Can You Use Crep Protect On Suede Leather?

A very common type of leather is suede leather. Suede leather is made from the underside of the animal skin and is very soft. Unlike smooth leather, suede leather comes with a nap and velvet finish on its surface.

Crep protect can be used on suede leather as it is one of the common types of materials manufacturers recommend the crep protect product to be used on.

Since suede leather is a type of leather that is more delicate and sensitive to dirt, you will need to use a higher level of protection when it comes to crep protect.

Make sure to spray the crep protect on suede leather at a good distance away from the surface.

And do not spray too much crep protect on a particular spot at once as this will result in oversaturation that can lead to wet patches on the suede leather.

So make sure to apply a very thin layer and wait for each layer of crep protect to dry for 10 minutes before spraying again and ensure even coverage.

Can You Use Crep Protect On Synthetic or Faux Leather?

Synthetic leather is a type of leather created by combining several different materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), plastic, or rubber.

Synthetic leather is not as expensive or durable as real leather so this is the more reasons why you would want to protect it from dirt, wear, and tear with crep protect. As crep protect is not a solvent-based product, it will be safe to use on synthetic leather.

Although it is possible to use crep protect on synthetic leather but it would be a better idea to first test it out on a small, inconspicuous area to check if the product will cause any damage or discoloration.

Can You Use Crep Protect On Patent Leather?

Another common leather material used for shoes, handbags, and other accessories is patent leather.

Patent leather is made from a shiny and stiff type of leather that has a shiny finish to it.

You can use crep protect to protect patent leather to keep the surface of the patent leather and shine intact looking fresh and clean. Using crep protect on patent leather is good because it not only protect the patent leather but it helps to maintain the shine on the patent leather item.

Just like suede leather, patent leather is a type of delicate and sensitive material as well so make sure not to put too much crep protect on it as it could cause the patent leather to become stickky.

Patent leather is such an awesome material for a high shine finish, but with proper care and protection using crep protect, it can last for years.

So make sure to use crep protect on patent leather the same way you would apply crep protect on suede leather and other types of real or synthetic leather materials.

Important Must-Know About Crep Protect Before Using On Leather Goods

  • Crep Protect is a water repellant spray that was created to keep sneakers from getting wet and dirty.
  • The active ingredient in Crep Protect is Teflon which makes it an effective water repellant.
  • When sprayed on a surface, Teflon creates a protective layer that blocks water and other liquids from penetrating the surface.
  • This can be beneficial for sneakers as it will keep them looking clean and new for longer.
  • This means that if you spray crep protect on leather, the Teflon will not be able to form a protective layer in which case you may be tempted to oversaturate the leather surface – leading to a white residue build up on the surface of the leather.
  • Leather is also a natural material so it can change color or dry out when not properly treated and protected.
  • Although leather is a very durable material, it is also quite delicate so it is important to do a test spray on a small, hidden area of your leather item before spraying the entire surface.
  • If you’re not happy with how the test spray turns out, then don’t use crep protect.
  • Remember that you can always apply a leather conditioner or cream on your leather item before using crep protect to make the leather surface more receptive to crep protect.

How To Use Crep Protect On Leather Goods

Now that you know a bit more about crep protect and how it can be used on leather, let’s take a look at the proper way to use crep protect on leather.

Things Needed:

  • Crep Protect spray can
  • Leather item you want to protect
  • Microfiber cloth or clean rag


Step 1:

  • Start by cleaning your leather shoes with mild dish soap and water or saddle soap to get rid of any dirt and stains.
  • It is important to remove dirt first before applying crep protect to your leather shoes or other leather goods.
  • If you do not do this the dirt and stains can interfere with how effect crep protect is in protecting your leather shoes.
  • Also, make sure the leather shoe or sneaker is completely dry before moving on to protect them with crep protect.

Step 2:

  • Shake the crep protect very well.
  • First, it is important that you shake the can of crep protect really well before spraying the product on the surface of your leather item.
  • Shaking it helps to mix the ingredients together and ensures that the product is sprayed evenly.

Step 3:

  • After shaking your crep protect can well spray about 20-30 centimeters away from surface of the leather.
  • Make sure not to spray too close to the leather surface as you can end up oversaturating it.
  • Also, avoid spraying too much crep protect at once as it may lead to a white residue build up.

Step 4:

  • Now, wait about 10 minutes for the application to air dry and then spritz a second coat especially for leather shoes or sneakers you wear frequently
  • After that, leave it to air dry again for another 10 minutes and you should be good to go.

Pros Of Using Crep Protect On Leather

Let’s go over some pros of using crep protect on leather.

1. Protects Leather From Dirt And Water

Crep Protect is a good way to protect your leather items from dirt and water. Leather sneakers, bags, etc will all benefit from a good dose of crep protect.

Leather is a porous material so it absorbs water and dirt quickly. Crep Protect will help to keep the leather hydrated, oiled, and dirt-free for a longer period of time.

Crep protect is also great when traveling or going to humid places as it will help to keep leather items in good condition.

Crep protect is great for keeping your leather goods looking new and clean longer. So if you have a nice leather bag or pair of sneakers and don’t want them to get ruined, using crep protect is a good way to go.

2. Leather Will Be Easy To Clean And Maintain

Crep protect is easy to use and does not affect the texture of the leather. It makes it very easy for you to clean your leather goods.

If you have applied crep protect to your leather items, then any dirt or stains on the surface of the leather will easily wipe away with a damp cloth.

You will not need to use any harsh chemicals or solvents to clean your leather goods when you have applied crep protect.

3. Prevents Leather From Drying Out

Another awesome benefit of using Crep protect is that it helps to prevent leather from drying out.

Leather is a natural material and it can dry out over time if not properly protected. When leather dries out, it becomes brittle and can crack.

Crep protect helps to keep the leather hydrated and prevents it from drying out. This will help to keep your leather goods in good condition for a longer period of time.

4. Maintains The Original Color Of Leather

Leather is a natural material and it can change color over time. Crep Protect also helps to maintain the original color of leather by preventing it from fading or changing.

Most leather goods tend to be hardwearing due to their quality. This is true as most people tend to wear their leather sneakers or shoes very regularly.

However, it is inevitable that these leather goods will fade or change color over time due to regular wear and tear.

Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence as leather is not resistant to color change or fading.

Crep protect helps to maintain the original color of your leather goods by preventing fading and color change.

5. Saves You Money In The Long Run

Crep Protect is not a very expensive product and it definitely saves you money in the long run.

Leather goods such as shoes and bags tend to be expensive and once they start to show wear and tear, one of your options may be to repair them (and that can be pricey) or buy a new one.

Crep Protect can help to prevent this from happening and extends the life of your leather goods if used carefully and timely.

Overall, Crep Protect is a great way to protect your leather items and it definitely saves you money in the long run.

6. Non-Toxic And Safe To Use

Crep Protect is non-toxic and safe to use on all leather goods. It will not harm the surface of the leather, nor will it usually cause any allergies or other health issues.

Crep Protect is great for almost everyone to use and you don’t have to worry about any harmful side effects.

When using crep protect, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and do a small patch test before using it on your expensive leather goods.

7. Keeps Leather Items Smelling Fresh

Crep Protect also helps to keep your leather items smelling fresh. I love how it enhances the original natural smell of the leather and it really freshens up the item.

One of my favorite things to do is spray crep protect on my leather sneakers before I go to bed. This will help to keep them smelling fresh and new all day long.

If you have a leather bag, you can also spray crep protect on it before using it. This will help to keep your bag smelling fresh and new all day long!

8. Very Easy To Use

Unlike other leather protectors that are not very easy to use, crep protect is very easy to apply. It does not require any special skills or tools and can be applied by almost anyone.

All you need is a can of crep protect, a cloth, and some time. Simply spray the crep protect onto the surface of your leather item evenly maintaining a good distance between the spray can and the leather item you’re protecting.

Once you’re done spraying it on, wipe away any excess with the cloth and let it dry. It’s that easy!

The process of applying crep protect is very easy, but make sure to read the instructions carefully before using it.

Cons Of Using Crep Protect On Leather

Now let’s take a look at some of the downsides to using crep protect on leather;

1. Crep Protect Can Leave A White Residue On The Leather

As mentioned earlier, if you overapply crep protect or do not clean it off properly, then you will get a white residue build up on the surface of the leather.

This can be difficult to clean off and will require some elbow grease. It is important to know that when you oversaturate crep protect on leather, you can’t use water to wipe it off as it is water-resistant.

Overall, if you overapply crep protect or do not clean it off properly then the residue build-up can be difficult to remove.

2. Crep Protect Can Make Leather Stiff

Crep protect can make leather a little stiffer than usual, especially if you apply too much of it. This can be a bit difficult to deal with and may require some trial and error.

Overall, if you overapply crep protect or do not clean it off properly then the residue build-up can be difficult to remove.

Make sure to only apply a thin layer of crep protect and do not over-spray it.

Final Thoughts

Crep protect is an awesome product that helps you to protect your leather goods. It’s a great way to extend the life of any leather item you have and help prevent it from getting damaged, worn, and stained.

Crep Protect is non-toxic, safe to use on all leather goods, and helps to keep your items smelling fresh.

Overall, Crep Protect is a great way to protect your leather items and it definitely saves you money in the long run. It’s easy to use and does not require any special skills or tools which is perfect for anyone.

Crep Protect will work on almost all leather items, but make sure to read the instructions carefully before using them. Thanks for reading.


Q: Is crep protect water-resistant?

A: Yes, Crep Protect is water and stain resistant so it will repel moisture as well as spills. Crep protect helps to keep your leather items looking fresh and new.

Q: Can you use crep protect on white leather?

A: Yes, Crep protect works great on all types of leather and it helps to keep your items looking clean and new – white leather is not exception. Using Crep protect on your white leather items is a great way to prevent your white leather shoes from getting stains and scuffs.

Q: How long does crep protect last?

A: It’s recommended that you reapply crep protect after every one to two months of regular use. But for leather shoes you don’t wear often, a single crep protect application can last up to a year.

How long crep protect lasts is not based on how much time passes after application but how often you wear the leather shoes after you have applied them.

Crep protect offers long-lasting protection and keeps your leather looking and smelling great.

Q: Can I use crep protect on suede?

A: Crep Protect can be used on all types of leather, so yes you can use it on suede as well. The manufacturers of crep protect clearly recommend it.

Q: Can Crep Protect be used on other materials?

A: Crep Protect is specifically designed for use on leather, suede, nubuck, canvas, and other smooth leather/fabric materials. It helps to protect your items from water, dirt, and other stains.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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