Can You Use Cocoa Butter On Leather? (11 Pros And Cons)

Can You Use Cocoa Butter On Leather?

Cocoa butter is a very popular ingredient in many lotions and creams. It is often used to moisturize and soften the skin. Cocoa butter can also be found in some soaps and shampoos. With all the benefits cocoa butter has on our skin, can you use cocoa butter on leather?

According to, cocoa butter is also called theobroma oil, and it’s a “fat that’s taken from the cocoa bean. It’s used to make chocolate and moisturizers.

Cocoa butter has been known to have many benefits when applied topically to our skin, such as; reducing wrinkles, stretch marks, and scars. It can also help to heal burns, rashes, and chapped lips.

Just like the way cocoa butter benefits our skin, it can also benefit leather. Cocoa butter can help to soften and moisturize leather. It can also help to protect leather from water and sun damage.

While it is always best to use specially made leather cleaners, conditioners, and protectors, If you’re looking for a natural way to care for your leather goods, cocoa butter is a good alternative.

You can also use cocoa butter and other ingredients like jojoba oil and beeswax to make a leather balm to care for your leather items.

Just be sure to test a small leather area first to make sure there is no adverse reaction. Then, once you’ve confirmed it’s safe, enjoy the benefits of cocoa butter on your leather!

Leather vs. Cocoa Butter

Leather is made from the skin of an animal that has been treated with chemicals and then tanned. The tanning process preserves the hide and makes it more durable and less likely to rot.

After the hide has been tanned, it is then dyed and finished. The finishing process gives leather its smooth texture and shine.

Cocoa butter is a natural fat that is extracted from the cocoa bean. It can be used to make chocolate and cosmetics. Cocoa butter has a smooth, creamy texture and a rich chocolate flavor.

There are different types of cocoa butter, but the two most common are deodorized and non-deodorized. Deodorized cocoa butter has had its chocolate flavor removed, while non-deodorized cocoa butter still has its rich chocolate flavor.

Cocoa butter also comes in two different forms; cocoa butter oil and cocoa butter lotion with cocoa butter flakes.

Cocoa butter is a popular ingredient in lotions and creams because it is an excellent moisturizer. In addition, cocoa butter is a good alternative to leather conditioners and oil because it is natural, renewable, and biodegradable.

When applied to leather, there are some advantages and disadvantages that come with its use. Below are some of the main pros and cons of using cocoa butter on leather.

The Pros Of Using Cocoa Butter On Leather

1. Helps To Soften And Moisturize Leather

Cocoa butter is a natural fat that helps to soften and moisturize leather. When applied to leather, it can help keep the leather supple and prevent it from drying out and cracking.

Although the conditioning and nourishment you get from using cocoa butter on leather aren’t long-lasting, they can help maintain the leather’s condition between professional cleanings and treatments.

Not only that, but you can also use cocoa butter to restore dry or damaged leather and keep it looking its best.

2. Protects Leather From Water Damage

When you apply cocoa butter to your leather, it creates a barrier that helps to protect the leather from water damage.

This is especially important during the wetter months when your leather is more likely to be exposed to rain, snow, and sleet.

Cocoa butter that comes in cream or oil can help create an invisible barrier that will repel water and keep your leather looking good as new.

So, if you’re looking for a way to protect your leather investment, cocoa butter is a good option. By applying cocoa butter to your leather, you can help to keep it looking its best and prevent it from succumbing to water damage.

3. Cocoa Butter Can Be Used To Make Leather Balms

While you can use cocoa butter on your leather, you can also use it to make leather balms.

As the name implies, leather balms are balms that are specifically made for leather. They usually contain a mixture of oils and waxes, which help to nourish and protect leather.

You can find recipes for leather balms online or in books about leather care. Making your leather balm is a great way to get the most out of cocoa butter’s leather-care benefits.

4. Gives Leather A Nice Chocolate Smell

Cocoa butter can give your leather a nice chocolate smell. So if you’re looking for a way to make your leather smell good, cocoa butter is a great option.

The scent of cocoa butter is pleasant and not too overwhelming, making it ideal for use on a hard-wearing material like leather.

Plus, the scent of cocoa butter can help mask any unpleasant smells coming from your leather. So, if you’re looking for a way to make your leather smell good and are a fan of cocoa butter, this might be the right option for you.

5. Cocoa Butter Does Not Go Rancid

Cocoa butter is a natural fat that does not go rancid. There are a lot of leather oil or conditioner alternatives that can go rancid over time, but cocoa butter is not one of them.

This means that you can use cocoa butter on your leather without worrying about it going bad or causing the leather to weaken.

Cocoa butter is a stable fat that will not go rancid, making it a great choice for a long-lasting leather conditioner or moisturizer.

6. Absorbs Easily Into Leather

Unlike other household leather conditioner alternatives that will build up on the surface of the leather without actually being absorbed, cocoa butter is easily absorbed into leather.

This means that it will not leave a greasy residue on the surface of the leather as some other products can.

Cocoa butter will seep right into the leather, providing moisture and nourishment without leaving any unwanted residue behind.

7. It Can Enrich The Color Of Leather

Another thing that cocoa butter can do for leather is enrich its color. If you have a piece of leather that has started to fade, you can use cocoa butter to help bring back its original color.

Simply rub a small amount of cocoa butter into the leather and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away. You’ll be amazed at how much difference a little cocoa butter can make.

8. Contains Natural UV Protectors

Last but not least, cocoa butter contains natural UV protectors. This means that it can help to protect your leather from the sun’s harmful rays.

Cocoa butter is a great choice for those looking for a natural way to keep their leather looking its best and protected from the elements.

The Cons Of Using Cocoa Butter On Leather

While there are some benefits to using cocoa butter on leather, there are also some potential drawbacks that you should be aware of.

1. Smell Maybe A Little Strong For Some

As we mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of cocoa butter is giving your leather a nice chocolate smell. However, this might be a little too strong for some people.

If you’re not a fan of the smell of cocoa butter, then you might want to look for another leather conditioner or moisturizer.

2. Long Term Use Can Cause Leather To Darken

While cocoa butter can help enrich leather color, long-term use can cause the leather to darken. This is because the oils in cocoa butter that seeps into the leather over time can darken or change its color.

If you’re looking to keep your leather looking its best, it’s important to use cocoa butter sparingly – which may be impossible given how often you need to apply the cocoa butter to get the desired effect in the first place.

Do you have a piece of furniture that could use a little TLC? If so, you may be wondering.

3. May Need To Be Reapplied More Often

Because cocoa butter is not specially formulated for use on leather, it may need to be reapplied more often than other leather conditioners or moisturizers.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it allows you to regularly inspect your leather goods for any damage that may have occurred since the last treatment.

Now that we know some of the pros and cons of using cocoa butter on leather let’s take a look at a few things to consider before using cocoa butter on leather.

Things To Consider Before Using Cocoa Butter On Leather

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about using cocoa butter on your leather items.

  • Choose High-Quality Cocoa Butter

First, it’s important to choose high-quality cocoa butter. Do your best to use one made by a reputable brand and is organic, if possible.

You’ll also want to ensure that the cocoa butter you choose is in a food-grade container. This will help to ensure that it is pure and of the highest quality.

  • Test In A Small Area First

Before using cocoa butter on your leather goods, it’s always good to test it in a small area first. This will help you to see how the cocoa butter will react with your particular leather and if there are any adverse effects.

If everything goes well, you can then proceed to treat the rest of the leather item.

  • Use A Clean, Soft Cloth

When applying cocoa butter to leather, use a clean, soft cloth. This will help avoid any scratches or other damage that could occur during the application process.

  • Wipe Away Excess Cocoa Butter

Once you’ve applied the cocoa butter to your leather item, be sure to wipe away any excess butter that may have been left behind.

Leaving excess butter on the surface of the leather can attract dirt and debris and make the leather appear greasy.

How To Use Cocoa Butter On Leather

Cocoa butter can be used on leather in two different ways or in conjunction with other ingredients.

Using Cocoa Butter Itself

If you’re using cocoa butter by itself, here’s a step-by-step guide on properly applying it to your leather item.

  • Step One: Start by warming up the cocoa butter. You can do this by placing it in a bowl and setting it in a pan of hot water.
  • Step Two: Dip a clean, soft cloth into the melted butter once the cocoa butter has melted.
  • Step Three: Rub the cloth in a circular motion over the entire surface of the leather until the cocoa butter has been evenly distributed.
  • Step Four: Allow the cocoa butter to soak into the leather for at least 5-10 minutes before wiping away any excess butter that may have been left behind.
  • Step Five: Enjoy your newly conditioned leather item!

Making A Leather Balm Using Cocoa Butter

You can also use cocoa butter to make a leather balm. This is a great option if you’re looking for something that will provide your leather with more protection.

To make the leather balm, you’ll need:

  • ½ cup of cocoa butter
  • ¼ cup of beeswax
  • ¼ cup of coconut oil
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil (optional)


  • Step One: Start by melting the cocoa butter, beeswax, and coconut oil in a double boiler.
  • Step Two: Once the ingredients have melted, remove the pan from the heat and stir It. You can also add 10-15 drops of your essential oils if you’re using them.
  • Step Three: Pour the mixture into a clean, dry jar and allow it to cool completely.
  • Step Four: Once the balm has cooled, apply it to your leather item in the same manner as you would the cocoa butter.

Final Thoughts

All in all, using cocoa butter on leather is a perfectly safe way to condition and protect your leather goods. Just be sure to choose a high-quality product, test it in a small area first, and apply it evenly for the best results.


Q: Can cocoa butter darken leather?

A: While cocoa butter can darken some types of leather, it will not darken all types. If you’re concerned about the possibility of your leather darkening, test it in a small area first.

Q: How often should I use cocoa butter on my leather?

A: How often you use cocoa butter on your leather will depend on how often you use the item and how well it’s holding up. If the leather is starting to look dry or cracked, apply a thin layer of cocoa butter to help condition it.

Q: What are some other ways I can use cocoa butter?

A: Cocoa butter has many uses both inside and outside the home. In addition to using it on leather, you can also moisturize your skin, remove makeup, and even as a natural insect repellent.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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