Can You Steam Clean A Faux Leather Couch? (9 Benefits!)

Can You Steam Clean A Faux Leather Couch

When you live in a home that is full of pets, children, or both, it can be difficult to keep your faux leather upholstery looking pristine. Steam cleaning is one of the most effective ways to deal with dirt, stains, and even germs. But can you steam clean a faux leather couch?

A steam cleaner can be used to quickly remove anything from sweat stains, food stains, dirt, and kill germs and bacteria. Using a steamer is a great way to deep clean and break down odor-causing molecules in your faux leather couch.

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits to steam cleaning your faux leather couch giving how much wear and tear it takes – not to mention, if you have any pets or children!

Details On Why You Should Steam Clean Your Faux Leather Couch

Let’s now get into the details of why you should steam clean your faux leather couch.

1. Steam Cleaner Can Remove Stains From The Faux Leather Couch

One of the main benefits of using a steam cleaner on your faux leather couch is that it can remove any stains.

Whether it’s from dirt, sweat, juice, or food spills that have been left over for a while – steam cleaning your faux leather couch is going to be able to remove it all.

This is a huge plus, as it means that your couch will look good as new again and you won’t have to worry about any embarrassing or unsightly stains being on show on faux leather couch.

Plus, if you have pets or kids, all stains from drools, pee, and poop will easily be cleaned when you use a steam cleaner.

2. Removes Odors From Faux Leather Couch Easily

Another awesome benefit to using a steam cleaner on your faux leather couch is that it can remove any odors lingering on your furniture.

Whether it’s from cigarettes, pets, or food – the steam cleaner will be able to remove any and all smells that have been building up over time.

This is great, as it means that your couch will not only look clean but also smell clean – which is definitely a plus if you’re someone who likes to have a tidy and fresh-smelling home.

The way the steam cleaner works in removing odors and smells is by breaking down the molecules that are causing the bad smell.

This means that not only will your faux leather couch look and smell great, but it will also be a lot healthier.

So all in all, it’s definitely a good idea to consider steam cleaning your faux leather couch as it is one of the best ways to deal with odors.

3. A Steamer Can Remove Sticky Residue From The Faux Leather Couch

For various reasons, faux leather couches tend to have a sticky feel to them at times.

This can make your faux leather couch feel sticky, be difficult to clean, and even result in the color of the couch being changed.

This is sometimes due to the fact that leather furniture has a wax coating or some other type of finish applied to it by manufacturers, which can build up over time.

Or this can also be a result of body oil buildup, which can also cause your faux leather couch to feel sticky.

Either way, this is a problem that you’ll want to deal with as soon as possible.

And one of the best ways to do this is by using a steam cleaner, which will easily remove any sticky residue from your couch – without causing any damage to the faux leather material.

This is a great benefit as it means that you won’t have to deal with sticky residue from body oil buildup or wax coating from your couch anymore.

4. Steam Cleaning Improves Indoor Air Quality

When you steam clean your faux leather couch it tends to drastically improve your home’s indoor air quality.

This is because your faux leather couch can harbor pollen, dander, dust, mold, pollen, and other allergens.

All of this is a problem as it can cause your home’s indoor air quality to be poor and even lead to allergies.

By using a steam cleaner to clean your faux leather couch, you will be able to remove all of these allergens and improve the air quality in your home.

All the steamer will do is break down these allergens and make them easier to remove. This means that you will be able to breathe in cleaner, healthier air and your home won’t have any allergens floating around.

So it’s definitely a good idea to consider steam cleaning your faux leather couch if you want an easier way to remove allergens and improve your home’s indoor air quality.

5. Stem Cleaning Faux Leather Couch Eliminates Germs And Bacteria

Not only does steam cleaning your faux leather couch a way to remove allergens and improve your home’s indoor air quality, but it also eliminates any germs or bacteria that might be living on the couch.

This is because the steam cleaner produces enough heat that can kill any germs or bacteria that are living on your faux leather furniture.

This is great, as it means that you won’t have to worry about any germs or bacteria being on your couch and you’ll be able to keep your home healthy and free of any harmful bacteria.

So it’s definitely a good idea to consider steam cleaning your faux leather couch if you want an easier way to remove germs and bacteria from the furniture.

6. Steam Cleaning Kills Dust Mites In Faux Leather Couch

I never thought dust mites were a problem until I got a dog. Now all of the sudden, I have to worry about pet dander and dust mites.

Dust mites tend to thrive in places with a bit of moisture and warmth such as couches, carpets, beddings, etc.

Dust mites can absorb the needed moisture from the humidity in the air and can also feed on our dead skin cells on our faux leather couches and other conducive places.

This can make it hard to see the dust mites with the naked eye, but they can cause problems for people who are allergic to them.

The good news is that you can kill dust mites by using a steam cleaner on your faux leather couch.

Research and testing have shown that some steam cleaners like the HAAN steamer can take only 1 second to kill 99% of all dust mites that might be living on your faux leather couch and other furniture.

This is great, as it means that you’ll be able to get rid of any dust mites that might be living on your couch and you’ll be able to keep your home healthy and free of any harmful allergens.

7. Stem Cleaners Removes Dirt And Grime From The Faux Leather Couch

You also want to keep in mind that the steam cleaner is very effective at removing dirt and grime from your faux leather couch.

There is no need to scrub the dirt and grime off of your couch. All you need to do is let the steam cleaner run its course and it will blast away any dirt or grime that might be on your faux leather couch.

This is great, as it means that you won’t have to worry about dirtying your hands and you’ll be able to clean the couch without any effort.

So it’s definitely a good idea to consider steam cleaning your faux leather couch if you want an easier way to remove dirt and grime from the furniture.

8. Using Steam Cleaner Is Environmentally Friendly

Last but not least, you’ll also want to keep in mind that using a steam cleaner is environmentally friendly.

Steam cleaners are considered to be eco-friendly because they use water and heat as their only power source.

This means that steam cleaners don’t emit any harmful toxins into the air and they are a great way to clean your furniture without having any negative impact on the environment.

Steam cleaning also does not involve the use of any chemicals, so you won’t have to worry about any harmful chemicals being emitted into the air.

So it’s definitely a good idea to consider steam cleaning your faux leather couch if you want an easier way to clean the furniture and you don’t want to harm the environment, your kids, or pets.

9. Steam Cleaning Is Cost-Effective

It’s also important to keep in mind that steam cleaning is cost-effective and you can save money by using this method instead of hiring a professional to clean your furniture.

Steam cleaners can be bought online and you’ll also have access to free shipping. When you invest in a good steam cleaner, you will not have to purchase any faux leather cleaners or other cleaning supplies.

All you need is water, which is very inexpensive, and you’ll be able to keep your faux leather couch clean.

The best part is that steam cleaners can also be used for other purposes around the house, so you’ll have access to a versatile tool that will be able to clean the furniture and other surfaces around your home.

So it’s definitely a good idea to consider steam cleaning your faux leather couch if you want an easier and more cost-effective way to clean the furniture.

How To Steam Clean Faux Leather Couch

Steaming a leather couch is not a difficult task. The key is to use the right type of steam cleaner and to make sure that you follow the instructions carefully. Here is a step by step guide on how to steam clean your faux leather couch;

Things Needed:


Step 1:

  • Fill the steamer with enough water as recommended by the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 2:

  • Cover the nozzle with a microfiber cloth and secure it with a rubber band.
  • This will prevent the nozzle of the steamer from coming into direct contact with the faux leather couch and it will also protect the couch from being damaged by the high heat of the steam.

Step 3:

  • Set the steam cleaner to the lowest setting and wait a few seconds for the steamer to heat up.

Step 4:

  • Do a patch test on a small portion of the faux couch. You can also do it at the section near the back of the couch, to make sure the steam heat will not damage the faux leather.
  • You want to also do this if it is your first time.

Step 4:

  • Once you’re satisfied with the test results, go ahead and steam clean the entire faux leather couch.
  • Make sure that you move the steamer slowly across the surface of the faux leather so that it can remove all the dirt, stains, bacteria, or grime.
  • Make sure to go over hard-to-reach areas to make sure that all the dirt and stains are removed.

Step 5:

  • Once you’re finished, use a dry clean microfiber cloth to dry the surface of the faux leather and allow the couch to dry completely before sitting on it or using it.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! Your faux leather couch will now be free of all the dirt, stains, and bacteria that have been bugging you.

Using a steam cleaner is a great way to clean your furniture and it’s definitely a task that you can do on your own without any help.

Now that you know how to steam clean a faux leather couch, you can go ahead and do it yourself the next time your furniture needs a good cleaning.

Keep in mind that you don’t need any harsh chemicals or special cleaners – all you need is a steam cleaner and some water.

So go ahead and try this easy and affordable method for cleaning your furniture. And not only will your faux leather couch look good as new, but you’ll also be doing your part in protecting the environment.

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Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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