Can You Spray Perfume On Leather Jackets? 5 Must-Know Cons

Can You Spray Perfume On Leather Jackets?

I own a black leather jacket that I absolutely love. It’s the perfect piece for transitioning between seasons and always looks chic. However, I was recently out with friends when I noticed one of them was wearing perfume. She had sprayed it on her jacket, and it smelled amazing!

I wondered if you could spray perfume on a leather jacket and if it is safe. So I did some research and surprise! surprise!!

You SHOULD NOT spray perfume on your leather jacket. Spraying perfume directly on your leather jacket can result in the leather becoming dry, cracked, or discolored over time due to perfumes’ alcohol and oil content.

There is a lot more I uncovered about this topic that I’ll share with you in this blog post. So keep reading to learn everything you need to know about spraying perfume on your leather jacket.

Here’s a quick look at what I’m going to talk about in the rest of this article.

  • Common Ingredients In Perfumes
  • The Downsides Of Using Perfumes On Leather Jackets
  • Best Way To Spay Perfume Without Ruining Your Leather Jacket
  • Perfume Smell And Stain Removal Hacks
  • Plus Important Tips

Common Ingredients In Perfumes

Let’s start with a quick look at some of the most common ingredients found in perfumes. Alcohol, oils, and chemicals are the main components in most perfumes.


Ethanol is the type of alcohol that’s used in most perfumes. It evaporates quickly, which is why you can smell perfume even after it’s been applied to your skin. The alcohol also helps to distill fragrance concentrate into a perfume.

However, ethanol can also be drying and damaging to leather. When applied directly to the leather, it can cause the leather to become dry. More on this later!


Most perfumes contain a mix of natural and synthetic oils. Natural oils commonly used in perfumes include jasmine, lavender, and rose. Synthetic oils are also often used in perfumes and consist of petroleum jelly and mineral oil.


In addition to alcohol and oils, most perfumes contain various chemicals. These chemicals can help stabilize the perfume’s scent and make it last longer. Some common chemicals found in perfumes include benzaldehyde, camphor, and linalool.


Some perfumes also contain dyes. These dyes are typically used to give the perfume a certain color. However, some dyes can also help stabilize the perfume’s scent.

It is important to note that not all perfumes contain all of these ingredients. Furthermore, the exact mix of ingredients will vary depending on the type of perfume and the desired scent.

Downsides Of Spraying Perfumes On Leather Jackets

Now that we’ve taken a look at some of the common ingredients found in most perfumes let’s talk about the downsides of using them on leather jackets.

1. The Alcohol In Perfumes Dry Leather Jackets

As I began mentioning earlier, one of the downsides of using perfume on leather jackets is that the alcohol in most perfumes can dry out the leather.

Let me rephrase, this is probably the main reason why you shouldn’t use perfume directly on your leather jacket.

When the alcohol in perfume comes into contact with leather, it can cause the leather to become dry and brittle.

This is because the alcohol evaporates quickly, taking some of the leather’s essential moisture with it.

Over time, this can cause the leather to crack and peel. In extreme cases, it can even cause the leather to disintegrate.

So if you value your leather jacket, it’s best to avoid spraying perfume directly on it.

2. Coloring Ingredients In Perfumes Can Discolor Leather Jackets

In addition to causing the leather to dry out, the coloring ingredients in some perfumes can also discolor leather jackets.

This is most likely to happen with darker-colored leather jackets – as the perfume would leave behind light blotches of color on the leather.

However, it’s also possible for lighter-colored leather jackets to be stained by perfume.

So if you want to avoid ruining the look of your leather jacket, it’s best to avoid spraying perfume on it.

3. Perfume Can Weaken The Leather Material

Another thing you can expect if you spray perfume directly on your leather jacket is that the perfume will eventually weaken the leather material.

Leather is made up of natural fibers that lend a lot of tensile strength to the material.

However, when perfume is applied to leather, the chemicals in the perfume can break down these natural fibers – causing the leather to weaken over time.

This leather weakening can cause it to tear and crack more easily with a bit of pressure. So if you want your leather jacket to last, it’s best not to spray perfume on it.

4. The Chemicals Can Alter The Scent Of Your Leather Jacket

Leather is often known for having its own distinct smell. The smell of leather can be described in several ways, including musky, earthy, or even sweet.

However, when perfume is applied to leather, the chemicals in the perfume can alter the natural scent of the leather.

In some cases, this might not be a big deal. But if you enjoy the smell of leather, you might not be too happy with how your leather jacket smells after spraying perfume on it.

5. The Oils In Perfumes Will Darken The Leather Jacket

Another downside to using perfume on leather jackets is that the oils in most perfumes will darken the leather.

This is because the oils in perfume can interact with the natural oils in the leather – causing the leather to darken in color.

Quick assignment for you: Dip your pinky finger in coconut or olive oil and then touch the leather on your jacket – of course, in an inconspicuous part of the leather jacket.

See how the color changes? It’s a similar process that happens when you use perfume on leather.

See how there’s a significant darkening as the natural oils in the leather interact with the oil from your finger?

Now imagine that happening times a million with perfume, and you get the idea of why it’s not a good idea to use perfume on leather jackets.

So if you’re looking to keep your leather jacket looking its best, it’s best to avoid using perfume on it altogether.

Best Way To Spray Perfume Without Ruining Your Leather Jacket

Now that we’ve talked about the downsides of spraying perfume directly on your leather jacket let’s talk about the best way to do it.

  • Spray It On Your Hankerchief Or Scarf

Instead of spraying perfume directly on your leather jacket, the best way to do it is to spray it on your handkerchief or scarf.

This basically means instead of putting the perfume directly on the leather, you’re putting it on a piece of fabric that’s not going to damage the leather.

Then you can just put the handkerchief or scarf in your pocket and go about your day.

The perfume will still be close enough to you so that you can enjoy the scent, but it won’t be close enough to damage your leather jacket.

  • One Puff Each Behind Each Ear

One of the best ways to get the best out of your “expensive” perfume is to take one puff behind each ear. Behind the ear is also a pulse point so that the perfume smell will last longer.

This will allow you to enjoy the smell of your perfume without ruining your leather jacket.

Not only will your leather jacket be free from all the potential damage we talked about, but you’ll also be able to leave behind a nice perfume trail for others to enjoy.

  • Spray The Perfume On Your Shirt Collar

If your perfume is suitable for clothes, another great way to enjoy its scent without risking damage to your leather jacket is to spray it on your shirt collar.

If you’re scared to stain your shirts with perfume, this can be under your shirt collar.

The perfume will then waft up to your nose throughout the day, giving you a pleasant smell without any downsides.

  • Spray The Perfume Behind Your Neck

Another great way to enjoy the smell of your perfume is to spray it behind your neck.

This is a great way to enjoy the smell of your perfume without risking damage to your leather jacket because the perfume will never actually come into contact with the leather.

Plus, it’s a great way to keep the scent of your perfume close to you throughout the day.

  • Use A Perfume Atomizer

Another great way to spray perfume without ruining your leather jacket is to use a perfume atomizer.

A perfume atomizer is a small bottle you can fill with your favorite perfume.

Its long nozzle allows you to spray the perfume directly on your skin without getting any of it on your clothes.

This is a great way to enjoy the smell of your perfume while keeping your leather jacket looking its best.

So if you’re looking for the best way to enjoy your perfume without ruining your leather jacket, we recommend using a perfume atomizer.

How To Remove Perfume Stains & Scents From Leather Jackets

There are usually two major issues with using perfumes on leather apart from drying it out. The first is that it can leave behind stains, and the second is that it can leave behind a funky smell or odor over time.

I’m going to show you three ways to remove perfume scents or odors and stains from leather jackets and other leather goods.

Using Leather Cleaner

Using the leather cleaner is the best way to get rid of any unwanted perfume smells or odors from your leather jacket.

It’s also the best way to eliminate any unwanted stains the perfume may have left behind.

To use the leather cleaner, simply follow the instructions on the bottle. Most leather cleaners will require you to;

  • Step One: Dust or remove all debris from the leather jacket surface.
  • Step Two: Put some leather cleaner on a damp cloth.
  • Step Three: Wipe the leather cleaner on the affected areas or the entire surface of the leather jacket in a circular motion.
  • Step Four: Wipe the area clean with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • Step Five: Follow up with a dry clean cloth and allow the leather to air dry.
  • Step Six: Once the leather jacket is dry, apply a conditioner to restore moisture and pliability.

Using Mild Dish Soap

If you do not have the leather cleaner on hand, you can also use mild dish soap to remove any unwanted perfume smells or odors from your leather jacket. To use mild dish soap, simply follow the instructions below.

  • Step One: Fill a bowl with cool water and add a few drops of mild dish soap.
  • Step Two: Dunk a clean cloth into the soapy water.
  • Step Three: Wring out the cloth so that it’s damp but not dripping wet.
  • Step Four: Rub the cloth on the affected areas or the entire surface of the leather jacket.
  • Step Five: Wipe the area clean with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • Step Six: Follow up with a leather conditioner to keep the jacket soft and supple.
  • Step Seven: Hang the jacket up to air dry in a cool, dry place.
  • Do not put the jacket in direct sunlight or heat, as this can damage the leather.

Using White Vinegar

If you’re looking for a natural way to remove any unwanted perfume smells or odors from your leather jacket, you can use white vinegar.

  • Step One: Simply mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a bowl or container, and then use a clean cloth to apply the mixture to the affected areas of your jacket.
  • Step Two: Let the mixture sit for about 2-3 minutes before wiping it away with another clean cloth.
  • You may need to repeat this process a few times to remove the perfume smell from your leather jacket fully.
  • Another tip is to try hanging your jacket outside in the fresh air for a few hours (or even overnight) to help air it out.
  • Step Three: It is important to finish off by conditioning your leather jacket after using white vinegar, as this can help to restore its natural oils and keep it looking healthy.
  • To do this, simply apply a small amount of leather conditioner to a clean cloth and rub it into the jacket in a circular motion.
  • Allow the conditioner to soak in for about 15 minutes before buffing it off with a clean, dry cloth.


Hi! I’m Kwabena, the owner and founder of Favored Leather. I’m a huge Leathercraft enthusiast and I’ve been that for almost 13 years now. I'm excited to share my experiences and all the new stuff I learn each day about leather craft, leather cleaning & care, and everything in-between!

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