Do you have a patent leather bag or shoes that could use a good cleaning? Many people are unsure of how to clean this type of leather, as it is not as common as other materials. One common question that arises is whether or not you can clean patent leather with alcohol.
Alcohol, rubbing alcohol to be precise is one of the handiest cleaning solutions for almost all types of leather including patent leather. You can use alcohol to clean stains, gunk, and sticky residue from the surface of your patent leather goods without damaging the finish.
In the rest of this article, I’m going to double down on alcohol as a cleaning agent for patent leather, and also share some tips on how to care for this type of leather so that it stays looking great for years to come.
Benefits Of Using Alcohol On Patent Leather
Alcohol is a very effective cleaning agent for patent leather for several reasons:
1. You Can Use Alcohol To Clean Tough Stains On Patent Leather
One of the main reasons why you can clean patent leather with alcohol is that it is a powerful solvent. This means that it can break down and dissolve tough stains and dirt on the surface of your patent leather without damaging it.
When it comes to the type of stains that rubbing alcohol can be used to remove from patent leather, it really depends on the type of stain. Common stains that can be removed with alcohol include makeup, food, grease, and ink.
If you have a tough stain on your patent leather bag or shoes, don’t worry – alcohol can help! Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a clean, soft cloth and gently rub the stain in a circular motion. The alcohol will break down the stain and lift it away from the leather.
Usually, depending on the type of stain, you will have to apply the rubbing alcohol 2-3 times to completely remove it. Once the stain has been removed, make sure to wipe away any excess alcohol with a clean, dry cloth.
2. Use Alcohol To Easily Clean Sticky Residues On Patent Leather
In addition to being a powerful solvent, alcohol is also great for removing sticky residues from the surface of your patent leather goods.
This includes stickiness ranging from minor annoyances like price tag adhesive to more serious residues like tree sap or gum. You will be able to use rubbing alcohol to gradually remove all of the sticky residues without damaging your leather.
To clean sticky residues from patent leather, start by pouring some rubbing alcohol directly onto the sticky area and allow the alcohol to sit on the surface for a minute or two.
After the alcohol has had a chance to soften the residue, use a clean, soft cloth to gently rub the area in a circular motion. Continue doing this until the residue has been removed. Make sure to wipe away any excess alcohol with a clean, dry cloth.
You can dilute the rubbing alcohol with some water to prevent it from drying up too quickly and making the sticky residue easier to remove.
3. Alcohol Is A Good Deodorizer For Patent Leather
In addition to being a great cleaner, alcohol is also a good deodorizer for patent leather. If your patent leather bag or shoes start to smell a little funky, you can use alcohol to get rid of the bad odor.
Rubbing alcohol contains ingredients that have the ability to neutralize odors and smells in just a matter of minutes. This can be smells and odors that are caused by sweat, food, or even smoke.
All you do is dilute the rubbing alcohol with some water and then use a soft, clean cloth to wipe down the surface of your patent leather. The alcohol will break down the bad odor and leave your patent leather smelling fresh and clean.
You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the diluted alcohol solution to give your patent leather a nice fragrance. You will be able to deodorize your patent leather easily without having to get any harsh chemicals involved.
4. You Can Use Alcohol To Disinfect Patent Leather Items
Since alcohol is a powerful solvent, it can also be used to disinfect the surface of your patent leather items. In an era where viruses like Covid-19, germs, and bacteria seem to be everywhere, it is a good idea to have a potent disinfectant on hand that can help kill any harmful germs or bacteria.
Alcohol can kill a wide range of bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella. It also has the ability to kill fungus and viruses.
If you want to disinfect your patent leather bag or shoes, all you need is a mixture of alcohol, water, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. The alcohol will help to kill any harmful germs or bacteria that may be present on the surface of your patent leather.
Make sure to wipe down the entire surface of your patent leather with the disinfectant solution and allow it to dry completely.
5. Alcohol Removes Color Transfer From Patent Leather
If you have ever had a pair of patent leather shoes or a bag that has picked up color transfer from another item, you know how frustrating it can be. This can be caused by a number of items, such as clothing dye, hair products, or even food.
The good news is that alcohol can help to remove color transfer from the surface of your patent leather. All you need is a clean, soft cloth and some rubbing alcohol.
Gently rub the stained area with the cloth that has been soaked in alcohol. The alcohol will help to break down the color transfer and make it easier to remove.
You may need to repeat this process a few times before the color transfer is completely removed or faded. Once you are satisfied with the results, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away any excess alcohol.
6. Alcohol Removes Ink And Permanent Marker From Patent Leather
Ink and permanent markers can be a real pain to remove from just about any surface, but they are especially difficult to get rid of on patent leather. The good news is that alcohol can help to remove both ink and permanent markers from patent leather quite easily.
You can saturate the ink stains with some diluted rubbing alcohol and allow it to sit for a few minutes. The alcohol will help to break down the ink and make it easier to remove.
You can also use a cotton ball soaked in alcohol to remove permanent markers from patent leather. Just gently rub the stained area with the cotton ball until the mark is gone.
This works both on old ink and permanent stains, and it can help to remove the marks without causing any damage to the surface of your patent leather.
How To Use Alcohol To Clean Your Patent Leather
If you have been following the steps above, you should now have a good understanding of how to use alcohol to clean your patent leather. Below is a step-by-step guide that you can follow to get the best results.
Things Needed:
- Rubbing alcohol
- Water
- Empty spray bottle
- Soft Cloths or Paper Towels
- Essential oil (optional)
Step 1: Mix The Rubbing Alcohol Solution
- Start by mixing together some rubbing alcohol and water in a bowl.
- The ratio should be about one part alcohol to 1-3 parts water depending on the stain or dirt.
- If you have light stain or dirt then 1 part alcohol to 2-3 parts water is fine. If you have a more stubborn stain then increase the alcohol content to make a stronger mixture.
- If you want, you can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture for a nice smell.
Step 2:
- Next, take your empty spray bottle and pour the mixture into it.
- Make sure to screw on the lid tightly to avoid any spills.
Steps 3: Shake The Bottle Well And Spray
- Once the spray bottle is secured and the mixture well mixed together, spritz the surface of your patent leather with the solution.
- Make sure to spray generously and evenly across the entire surface.
- Let the mixture sit on the surface of your patent leather for a few minutes to work its magic.
Steps 4: Wipe Away The Dirt And Stains
- After the mixture has had a chance to sit, take your soft cloth or paper towel and begin wiping away the dirt and stains.
- You may need to use a little elbow grease for stubborn stains, but the alcohol should help to break them down and make them easier to remove.
- Repeat this process until the patent leather is clean and free of any dirt or stains.
Step 5:
- Once the dirt and stains have been removed, give the surface of your patent leather a final wipe down with a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess alcohol.
- And that’s it! You have now successfully cleaned your patent leather with alcohol. Enjoy your newly refreshed surface!
Final Thoughts
Alcohol is a versatile cleaner that can be used to remove dirt, stains, and marks from patent leather. It is easy to use and affordable, and it can help to keep your patent leather looking like new.
So, the next time you are looking for a way to clean your patent leather, reach for some alcohol and give it a try. You won’t be disappointed!