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Is time to pack for your next trip? Or packing up a leather jacket to be shipped or for storage. Either way, packing your leather jackets properly is essential to keeping it in good condition. Here...
We have all been there. You go to a store and see the perfect leather jacket, but it is too big or too small. The sleeves are too long, or the waistline doesn't fit right. Even though you love the...
Can You Use A Steamer On Leather Items? The Good, Bad, & Ugly
You may have experienced or heard that a steamer is an excellent way to clean and freshen up your clothes. But can you use a steamer on leather items? In this article, I will discuss the pros and...
Is Almond Oil Good For Leather? (10 Pros And Cons Explained)
If you are looking for an alternative to protect your leather goods, and want to know whether or not almond oil is good for leather, then this article will be perfect for you. We will go through the...
Can you use Walnut Oil On Leather? The Pros and Cons Explained
Leather goods are popular items that many people enjoy using. However, there are some downsides to leather goods as well. One of the most common problems with leather is how quickly it begins to wear...
In a busy world, it's tempting to want to clean everything with disinfectant wipes. But can you use disinfectant wipes on leather? In this article, I'm going to take a look at the pros, cons, helpful...