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There are a lot of alternatives to specially formulated leather cleaner products but can you use dish soap on leather goods? This blog post will cover both sides of this debate so that you can make...
The idea of using baking soda to clean leather seems like a good one, right? It's a natural product that you can find in your kitchen. But does it actually work and is it safe for your leather items?...
Are Neoprene Seat Covers Bad For Leather Seats? 16 Pros & Cons
We've all seen those ads for neoprene seat covers, and they can be tempting. If you have leather seats in your car or truck, are these a good idea? Should you use them to protect your investment? In...
Many people have questions about whether linseed oil is safe for use on leather. There are many blogs and forums with conflicting opinions, so it's hard to know what to think. I will discuss the pros...
Do you have a leather item that might a bit darker than you would like? Or do you have a leather article that has notoriously darkened over the years and would like to lighten it? Well, you're in...
The patina of leather is a natural process that happens over time. But do black leather in particular patina? In this article, I'm going to discuss if black leather patina and the factors that cause...